

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on February 12, 2018.THE Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) dips its banner in salute to veteran communist and trade union leader Comrade Mohd. Amin. Comrade Mohd. Amin died this afternoon. He was ninety years old. Mohd. Amin was born in Kolkata to poor parents who had migrated from Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.

Com Avtar Sadiq Passes Away

VETERAN leader of the Indian Workers’ Association (Great Britain) and poet, Com Avtar Singh Sadiq, passed away at his home in Leicester on January 28. He was 77. Avtar Sadiq, one of the most popular faces of the Indian Marxists in the UK, was elected as the national general secretary of the IWA at its Golden Jubilee in 1988 and then as the national president from 1993 to 2004.

Eminent Hindi Writer Doodhnath Singh Passes Away

PROFESSOR Doodhnath Singh, an eminent Hindi writer and president of Janwadi Lekhak Sangh passed away at midnight of January 11, 2018 at Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh) his hometown. He was 81 and very active till his last breath. He suffered from cancer of the prostate, he was undergoing the treatment at a hospital in Allahabad but had a cardiac arrest and thus passed away. He was a member of the CPI(M).Prof. Doodhnath Singh taught Hindi literature at the Allahabad Central University.

Comrade Khagen Das

Condolence resolution adopted by the Central Committee at its meeting held on January 19-21, 2018 at KolkataTHE Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) pays homage to Comrade Khagen Das, member of the Central Committee and Convener of the Tripura Left Front. Khagen Das died today early morning on January 21at  Kolkata where he had come and participated in the meeting of the Central Committee. He was aged 80 years.Khagen Das had migrated from erstwhile East Pakistan to Kolkata and did his schooling and college in Kolkata.

Comrade NM Sundaram

THE secretariat of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions, in session in New Delhi has expressed its shock over the sudden demise of Comrade NM Sundaram, one of the senior leaders of Indian Trade Union movement and especially that of the insurance workers movement December on 26, 2017 at Chennai.

Comrade Sukomal Sen

CPI(M ) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on November 22THE Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) expresses its deep grief at the passing away of Comrade Sukomal Sen, chairman of the Central Control Commission and ex-officio member of the Central Committee.  Sukomal Sen died after a long illness.  He was aged 83.Sukomal Sen joined the Party in 1952.  He was the organiser and builder of the State Government Employees movement in the country.  He served as the general secretary of the All India State Government Employees Federation from 1982 to 2008.

WEST BENGAL: Comrade Nakul Mahato

VETERAN leader of Communist movement in West Bengal, Comrade Nakul Mahato passed away on September 20, at the age of 93. Comrade Nakul Mahato was born in 1924 at Purulia, the district which became his area of work and source of all passions as well. He was involved with Radical Party in the initial stage of life. He was the first graduate from JK College in Purulia. Thorough many struggles, including the struggle to include Manbhum with Bengal, he joined the Communist Party in 1957. He played a very important role in developing the peasant and communist movement in the district.

GUJARAT: Condolence Meeting for Comrade Subodh Mehta

COMRADE Subodh Mehta, veteran leader of CITU and CPI(M) Gujarat committee, passed away on September 1, at Bhavnagar at the age of 90 Years. He was the icon of various movements in Gujarat. He fought many battles for the people of Gujarat. During Maha Gujarat movement, he had played an important role with Lt. Shri Indulal Yagnik. On September 2, his body was kept at the CITU office in Bhavnagar. Thousands of people paid tributes to Subodh Mehta. Shaktisinh Gohel, national leader of Congress also visited the place.

Comrade Subodh Mehta

CONDOLING the passing away of Comrade Subodh Mehta, in a condolence message sent to the CPI(M) Gujarat state committee on September 1, Sitaram Yechury, general secretary, has said that Comrade Subodh Mehta has been a lifelong fighter for the cause of the exploited sections of our people and dedicated his energy for advancing the struggle for the establishing an exploitation free socialist society in India.In his death, the Party has lost a steadfast fighter who remained uncompromisingly with the communist revolutionary cause and adherence.Yechury said that he has been closely associated wit

Comrade Thalmann Pradeep Pereira

THE state secretary of the Goa state organizing committee of the CPI(M), Comrade Thalmann Pradeep Pereira passed away at a hospital  on August 6, after a five day battle with a severe lung infection and multiple organ failure. He was 54 years old. Com Thalmann Pereira was born and brought up in the communist movement of Goa. His father Comrade Gerard Pereira, a prominent freedom fighter, was the founder of the Left trade union and communist movement in Goa.


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