
Condolence Resolution

CPI(M) Central Committee adopted the following condolence resolution at its meeting held on June 7-9, in New DelhiCondolence ResolutionJyotish SahaThe Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) pays tributes to the memory of Comrade Jyotish Saha, former member of the Tripura state committee of the Party and former chairman of the State Control Commission. He died on May 24, 2019 aged 85.Jyotish Saha came in touch with left student movement while in college. He joined the undivided CPI in 1953.

Condolence Resolution

THE Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) in its meeting in New Delhi on March 3-4, 2019 paid respectful homage to the memory of Comrade Nirupam Sen, former member of the Polit Bureau; to the memory of Comrade Mohar Singh, former member of the Central Committee and former secretary of Himachal Pradesh state committee of the Party and to the memory of Comrade Subodh Das, former member of the Tripura state committee of the Party.

Central Committee Communique

Post-Pulwama air strike by the Indian Air Force inside Pakistan territory, the retaliation by Pakistan the next day and the subsequent release of Wing Commander Abhinandan must lead India to step up its diplomatic efforts to exercise international pressure on Pakistan to purge terror outfits and cross-border terrorist activities.   A united India rose against terrorism. Instead of strengthening this, the post-Pulwama developments are seeing an orchestrated effort by the BJP and Sangh Parivar outfits to rouse jingoistic nationalism.

CPI(M) Gujarat State Conference

THE 22nd Gujarat state conference of the CPI(M) was held in Rajkot on March 24-25. The conference gave a call for strengthening Left and democratic forces to defeat the divisive politics of the RSS-BJP.CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury and central secretariat member Ashok Dhawale attended the conference. The venue was named after legendary Communist leader Subodh Mehta.

CPI(M) Haryana State Conference Held

THE 15th Haryana state conference of the CPI(M) was held in Tohana in Fatehabad from March 11 to March 13. The conference gave a call for waging fierce struggles on various people’s issues and strengthen the party organissation.Public MeetingThe conference began with a public meeting, Jan Adhikar Rally, at Tohana Grain Market. It was presided over by CPI(M) state secretariat members Inderjit Singh and Shakuntala Jakhar. The stage was named after Prithvi Singh, the popular Communist leader of Haryana from Gorakhpur village in Fatehabad district.

CPI(M) Telangana State Conference

THE CPI(M) Telangana state second conference was held in Nalgonda from February 4-7, 2018 in an enthusiastic atmosphere. A large number of red-shirt and red-saree volunteers along with the delegates and observers participated in the rally and the inaugural session with an inspiration and spirit towards the Party.A huge rally with 5000 red-shirt volunteers started at 11.30 am on February 4 in the Nalgonda town.

UTTAR PRADESH: CPI(M) Holds 22nd State Conference

THE 22nd Uttar Pradesh state conference of CPI(M) was held in the historic city of Varanasi from January 28-30 which concluded with the resolve of defeating communal and casteist forces, establishing live links with toiling masses, and strengthening Party and mass organisations in the state.   A massive public rally was held on the first day of the conference at the Benia bagh grounds of Varanasi. It was attended by thousands of Party workers and common masses from the city and surrounding areas. The ground was filled with scores of red flags, and slogans ranted the air.

Andaman and Nicobar State Conference of CPI(M)

THE 10th Andaman and Nicobar state conference of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)  was held on January  14, 2018 at Fidel Castro Nagar (Shaheed Bhavan, Anarkali), Port Blair.  The conference began with the hoisting of Party flag by Biman Basu, Polit Bureau member of the CPI(M) and chairman of the Left Front of West Bengal and delegates and leaders paying floral tributes to the martyrs at the Martyrs Memorial Column.  P Banerjee, chairman of the reception committee welcomed the leaders and delegates to the conference.


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