
Journalists Unions Write Open Letter to MPs

THE National Alliance of Journalists and the Delhi Union of Journalists have jointly addressed a letter to members of parliament on February 3 voicing various concerns and demands and urging their active intervention to save journalism and journalists for tomorrow.The letter said that it is a plea to save journalism and the journalists for tomorrow in view of increasing physical attacks and deteriorating service conditions and a virtual hire and fire atmosphere despite a statutory Working Journalist Act.

Wearing Black Badges, Journos Defend Right to Report

A REMARKABLE speech defending the freedom of expression by Tribune editor Harish Khare kicked off Delhi Union of Journalists’ meeting on “The Right to Investigate – UIDAI vs The Tribune” held on January 10 at the Gandhi Peace Foundation.  The speech was in the context of the filing of an FIR by the UIDAI against the newspaper and its reporter Rachna Khaira for exposing leaks in the Aadhaar system.  Chandigarh based Khare’s speech was read out by Delhi bureau chief Prasad to an appreciative audience. Khare’s ironic address says that The Tribune was only doing “a spot of old honest, legitimat

DUJ Holds Seminar on Democracy in Danger

IN a sharp counter to the BJP Sangh Parivar’s campaign, Kerala chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan said the state has been targeted as it champions the values of secularism, socialism and democracy.  He was speaking at a function organised by the Delhi Union of Journalists in the national capital on ‘Democracy in danger: unethical reporting/ attacks on independent journalism and journalists’ on October 15, at Kerala House. The chief minister said slogans like ‘Love Jehad’ have been used to disrupt the state’s centuries old communal harmony but the RSS will not succeed in its game plan.

DUJ’s Reply to the Times of India

 The Delhi Union of Journalists, in a statement issued on January 21 expressed alarm in this context to see the Times of India, which has set itself up as a battering ram of newspaper industry interests, seek through its editorial pages to delegitimise the wage board process which has been a vital part of the protective legislation for press freedom.

Media and Minority Rights Under the Scanner

JOURNALISTS gathered at a seminar on media and minority rights called upon their colleagues to ensure fairer and wider coverage of the issues of dalits, tribals and religious minorities in the media. The seminar was organised by the Delhi Union of Journalists on November 12, 2016, in association with Kerala Union of Journalists and Delhi Media Centre for Research and Publication Trust. It was chaired by DUJ president S K Pande.Research shows that there are few dalit journalists today, pointed out veteran journalist and media analyst Sukumar Muralidharan in his overview address.

Save Journalism for Tomorrow

The Delhi Union of Journalists executive on the eve of 70th year of Indian Independence presented a charter to parliamentarians on August 11, 2016 to save journalism and the journalists for tomorrow before it is too late. DUJ expressed its deep concern at the growing attacks on journalists, most of which constitute attacks on freedom of the press.

A Captive Press

THE emergence and evolution of the press has historically been closely aligned to the rise and development of capitalism. The same capitalist impulse enabled the advent and growth of the public sphere in England from the beginning of the seventeenth century. Journalism was a collateral development in this public sphere. The idea of such a sphere, which was not private, which was shared and more inclusive, was initially considered preposterous, strongly resisted and sought to be curtailed and controlled by the Crown and the aristocracy.

DUJ & Press Unity Centre Call for Joint Action in Mid July

THE Delhi Union of Journalists (DUJ) and the Press Unity Centre have called for a phased programme of action, this coming monsoon session of parliament to fight the menace of increasing attacks on press persons, for proper implementation of the wage board award, (even as a new one had become due) and for extension of the Working Journalists Act to the electronic media.

New Constructs of Nationalism and the Media

The following is the text of the N Ramachandran Memorial Lecture delivered by Sitaram Yechury, CPI(M) general secretary in Thiruvananthapuram on June 28, 2016. The lecture was organised on the occasion of presentation of N Ramachandran Award. INATIONALISM is a concept that, with its central features of fellowship, establishing a sense of community, was the basis of the national movement – where many streams flowed, but aimed eventually to overthrow foreign imperial rule and allow a hundred flowers to bloom in the garden called India.


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