
Students Want Answer from the 'Paper Leak Government'

ANITHA was a brilliant child coming from a very poor family. Her father is a wage labourer. She was the youngest of five siblings. When she was in the second grade, her mother died due to lack of medical treatment. From that day on, Anitha dreamed of becoming a doctor. From her early years until twelfth grade, she was always first in her class. Before the implementation of NEET across the country, board exams were conducted on a state basis. Some states had Joint Entrance Exams while others admitted students based on twelfth-grade marks.Anitha scored 1176 out of 1200.

New Education Policy 2020: A Policy Refuting Federalism and Diversity

EDUCATION is a subject directly or indirectly linked to each and every family of the country irrespective of social, cultural and economic diversity. Hence the National Education Policy should reflect a clear vision on the future of the nation that goes in tandem with the articles and principles set out by the constitution of India. Before proposing new policy, assessment of the success and failures of the action programmes undertaken as a continuation of the earlier policies of 1968, 1986/1992 seems inevitable.

Post Pandemic Education: Knowledge or Privilege

ON May 20, 2020 various Left students’ organisations along with the elected students’ unions across the country under the banner of ‘All India Forum to Save Public Education’ gave a nationwide protest call, demanding safe return of students stuck outside, rejecting online examination and against the political targeting of student activists. The demands of fee waivers for current semester and immediate disbursement of fellowships were also raised. The campaign received huge participation across the country.

State of Education in Bihar

EDUCATION plays an important role in enriching the lives of individuals and in the development of human capital of a nation. Educational investments have multiple benefits, as it’s a powerful tool for reducing poverty un-employment and inequality.But in reality, today’s education system is reproducing poverty, unemployment and social inequalities instead of removing them.

DELHI: DTF Scores Historic Victory in DUTA Elections

The victory of the Democratic Teachers’ Front (DTF) in the elections for the post of President and membership of the Executive of the Delhi University Teachers’ Association (DUTA) held on August 29, is a historic victory. Rajib Ray, the DTF candidate for the post of DUTA president, was elected for a second term defeating in a straight contest the BJP-affiliated National Democratic Teachers’ Front (NDTF). The Congress-affiliated groups had not put up any candidate for the post.

TAMIL NADU: Campaign against DNEP Gains Momentum

THE Draft of National Education Policy 2019 (DNEP) is a proof that the Modi -led government is trying all the tricks in the trade to make a unitary form of governance in the country and that it has taken up the work of saffronisation of education across the country.  After the release of DNEP 2019 in May, a wider section of intellectuals got into act to expose the evil designs of the Sangh Parivar.

On the Draft National Policy on Education

ONE cannot but be struck by the tone of smug self-satisfaction that pervades this report, that India was the origin of most great ideas including the Pythagoras theorem and the Fibonacci series, that Indian universities like Nalanda and Taxila were unique and unparalleled institutions, and that Sanskrit has a literature that is larger than Latin and Classical Greek combined, and so on. In fact the report recommends the setting up of a Mission Nalanda and Mission Taxila to revive old glory.


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