
Breeze of Change is Seen in Rajasthan

The filing of nomination paper of Amra Ram, CPI(M) candidate from Sikar was held on April 15 at Sikar. Thousands of women and men coming from different shades of life, representing organisations of kisans, youth, workers women etc., joined Amra Ram in his nomination exercise. Vasudev, and  Badal Saroj, former CPI(M) state secretaries of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh states’ respectively, joined the ‘nomination march’.

CPI(M) Files Nomination in Mandi Parliamentary Constituency

The CPI(M) nominee from Mandi parliamentary seat in Himachal Pradesh , Daleep Kaith,  filed his nomination paper on April 23. Thousands of people representing 17 assembly segments of the parliamentary constituency joined the procession that started from the Padal ground to Seri Manch, where a public meeting was held.Mandi parliamentary constituency is the second largest segment in the country.

MAHARASHTRA: Dindori Lok Sabha Election Campaign of CPI(M) in Full Swing

THE election campaign of CPI(M) Central Committee member, former AIKS state president and one of the outstanding leaders of the two Kisan Long Marches, J P Gavit, MLA, for the Dindori (ST) Lok Sabha seat, is now in full swing. It began on April 4, 2019 with a massive 25,000-strong public meeting at Chandwad that was addressed by CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury (reported earlier in these columns).

WEST BENGAL: People Fight for Exercising Voting Right

THE fight to exercise the right to vote has assumed a new dimension in West Bengal. In the first phase, large number of booths were captured particularly in Cooch Behar. TMC armed gangs had chased away voters and opposition polling agents from the polling booths in many areas of the constituency. The token presence of central para military forces was of no use. In the second phase, in Raiganj, Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, there was large scale resistance of the people. In Raiganj, for example, citizens formed human chain days before the polling demanding free and fair voting.

Fighting Spirit of Peerless Employees

VARIOUS sections of people belonging to middle class, lower middle class and poor people, generally try to have savings from their income for the future needs of their children. In India, many financial institutions offer such facilities to the people to invest their savings. Peerless General Finance and Investment Company is a premier financial institution among such institutions. Employees play a key role in prompt repayment of maturity claims and in doing the needful services to the people.

Meanwhile in Tripura

Deferred Polling Proves Abject LawlessnessTHE Election Commission of India, in the night of April 16th, deferred the polling for Tripura East ST reserved parliamentary constituency scheduled to be held on April 18, to April 23. This decision from the ECI was prompted, as the notification says, by the reports from the CEO, special police observer and the returning officer of the constituency.

Modi Peddling Lies, Those Arrested in Sabarimala Indulged in Illegal Acts: Pinarayi

KERALA Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has said Prime Minister Narendra Modi's statement that “if one chants Lord Ayyappan's name in Kerala, they will be put behind bars” is an utter lie. The prime minister is trying to mislead the country in the name of Sabarimala Temple. Modi must protect the dignity of the prime minister’s office. Canvassing support for LDF candidates for the Lok Sabha election in several areas in Kollam district, Vijayan said Modi is trying to insult the people of Kerala.

LDF Campaign Reaches All

As the polling date draws close, state of political affairs in Kerala explicitly shows that the Left Democratic Front (LDF) has an edge over the UDF and BJP in all 20 parliamentary constituencies, including Wayanad where Congress president Rahul Gandhi is contesting. Kerala votes on April 23.The untimely and unusual decision of Rahul Gandhi to contest from Wayanad seems to be counter-productive for the Congress, as the BJP is harping on the presence of Muslim League’s green flag in his public meetings in Wayanad.


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