
Bihar Students Hold Anti-CAA Protests

PROTEST demonstrations organised by students and youth organisations continue in different parts of Bihar against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), National Register of Citizens (NRC) and National Population Register (NPR).The protests took off with a student march from the National Institute of Technology (NIT) to Bhagat Singh statue, demanding the withdrawal of CAA, on December 14, 2019, in Patna.

TELANGANA: Forum for Protection of Constitutional Rights Formed to Fight CAA, NRC

IN continuation of protests by the Left parties and various mass organisations against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the National Register of Citizens (NRC), a convention was organised on January 12, at Sundarayya Vignana Kendram in Hyderabad. CPI(M) secretariat member D G Narasimha Rao gave the keynote address.The convention declared the formation of ‘Forum for Protection of Constitutional Rights’ that was formed with 200 organisations and groups. Shanta Sinha, champion of child rights, was elected its chairperson. A committee of 180 members was formed by the forum.

Disability Rights Organisations Oppose NPR, NRC & CAA

THE Disability Rights Organisations, on January 12, released a joint statement declaring their unequivocal opposition to the discriminatory NPR, NRC and CAA.The statement said that the disabled citizens of India view the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 as being violative of the fundamental principles of the Indian constitution.  It reminded that the preamble, citizenship provisions (Article 5 to 11) and the section on fundamental rights in the Indian constitution underline the principles of equality and non-discrimination.

MAHARASHTRA: BJP Suffers New Year Setback in Local Body Elections

THE BJP has suffered a major New Year setback in the elections to four of the six zilla parishads (ZP) – Nagpur, Akola, Washim, Palghar, Dhule and Nandurbar – and in tehsil panchayat samitis (PS) in those six districts. Elections to these were held on January 7, 2020 and the counting was held a day later. In all these elections, each party fought independently on its own strength.The BJP got its biggest shock in Nagpur in the Vidarbha region.

AP: Adivasi Conference Calls for Building Unity & Struggle

THE seventh state conference of AP Girijana Sangham, a constituent of Adivasi Adhikar Rashtriya Manch(AARM) was held on January 10-11. The conference began with a colourful rally and huge public meeting at Parvatipuram in Vizianagaram district. AARM's national convener, Jitendra Chaudhury and national president, M Babu Rao addressed the gathering. They vociferously condemned the Modi government's sinister design to further marginalise the adivasi people in the country by curtailing their rights and means of livelihoods, along with all other socially backward sections and the poor.

Horrific tales of victims in UP

ON December 30, Subhashini Ali, Polit Bureau member of the CPI(M) met with the families of some of the activists in jail: Sadaf Jafar, Robin Verma and Deepak Kabir in Lucknow.Sadaf’s sister Naheed told her that she met her in jail on the 20th. Sadaf told her that she was badly beaten by policemen who also scratched her face.

Uttar Pradesh Left-led Protests against CAA and NRC

RESPONDING to Left parties’ call to organise countywide protest on December 19, 2019 against CAA and NRC; Left activists, mainly of CPI(M), CPI and CPI(ML), and at some places SUCI and AIFB, came out on the streets, in hundreds, at least in 33 districts in Uttar Pradesh as per available reports so far. At some places, Sharad Yadav’s party and some other smalerl parties also joined.


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