
Eight Years of Modi Sarkar: Sewa, Sushasan & Kalyan for Only Corporate Sector

IT is eight years since Narendra Modi became prime minister of India, heading an NDA government. The BJP is observing this anniversary in a big way, combining it with their election campaign for some state assembly elections due later this year, Gujarat being one of the important ones. The ruling party organised a meeting of all its national and state office bearers recently in Jaipur where a long statement narrating various achievements of the Modi government was issued. Also declared in this meeting was a triple slogan for marking the anniversary from May 30 to June 15.

Why Climate Change Often Hits Women Harder Than Men

Stronger weather extremes prove particularly damaging for women and worsen existing inequalities, scientists have shown A cyclone that ripped through low-lying fishing communities. A wildfire that turned the sky red with embers and black with smoke. A drought that ravaged crops and pushed grain prices higher.  What weather extremes like these have in common is not just that burning fossil fuels makes them stronger — it's that they hit men and women in wildly different ways. In Bangladesh, nine times more women than men were killed when Cyclone Gorki battered coasts in 1991.

Fiscally Neutral UBI & Growing Corporate Tax Concessions: A Deceitful Paradox

THE “State of Inequality in India Report”, by the economic advisory council to the prime minister (EAC-PM), was released on May 18, 2022. The report prepared by the government body itself has highlighted that while the top 10 per cent of the Indian population accounts for one-third of all incomes earned, the income share of self-employed workers who are also the highest in number among the whole employed categories (45.78 per cent), happens to be the lowest.

Supreme Court, Fiscal Federalism and GST

THE experience of GST during the past five years has been disappointing, to say the least. For four years, the IT backbone for its full implementation was not in place. Tax buoyancy has been far below expectations and with Covid the shortfalls have ballooned. Compensation payments were delayed and in arrears. And now as the compensation guarantee period is ending, most of the states are drifting to the brink of the precipice of sudden fall in revenue and inevitable fiscal crisis.

Oppose Bulldozer of Price Rise

INDIANS are being crushed by a deadly combination of economic policies that have led to mass unemployment, low wages – and the most destructive of all – runaway price rise. These policies have bulldozed family budgets causing people to cut down on food and other essentials, curtail spending on education of children or care of sick. The Modi government seems to be completely indifferent to the plight of people, going about its usual boastful activities like foreign visits, inaugurating projects to win elections and drumming up religious issues to divide people.

Sundarayya’s Abiding Interest in the Agrarian Question

This article has been written on the occasion of the death anniversary of P Sundarayya, on May 19.PUCHALAPALLI Sundarayya was a revolutionary whose efforts for theoretical studies were always linked to practice. Whatever subject he chose for study, be it examining the agrarian relations, or the developments in the fields of literature and culture, they were always linked to immediate needs of practice.Sundarayya gave utmost importance to the study of concrete socio-economic conditions.

Modi Govt. Fixated on Wheat Exports, Flour Prices Rising, Wheat Shortage Looming

WHILE prime minister Modi was, as usual, busy inaugurating projects in poll-bound Gujarat and visiting Europe, retail prices of another essential food item, wheat flour or atta have reached their highest level. According to data collected from across the country by the central government’s department of consumer affairs, average atta prices have increased from Rs 28.80 per kilogram in May 2021 to Rs 32.91 in May 2022.

Casualisation of Bank Jobs Leading to Exploitation

SERVICE conditions of bank employees in the country were first codified in the Sastry Award at the industry level in 1952 and subsequently amended in the Desai Award in 1958. The era of bilateral discussions commenced in 1966. The first bipartite settlement was arrived on October 19, 1966, between the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) and trade unions of bank employees. The latest in the series, the 11th bipartite settlement, was signed on November 11, 2020, with retrospective effect from November 1, 2017.

Miles to Go: For Dignified Treatment of Disabled Travellers

The more things change, the more they remain the same, said French writer and critic Jean-Baptiste Alphonse KarrNOTHING can be more apt in describing the situation arising out of the unfortunate incident of the denial of boarding on an IndiGo flight to a teenager with a disability at the Ranchi airport on May 8, 2022.Ten years back, in February 2012, Jeeja Ghosh, a disability rights activist and frequent traveller, was deboarded from a Spicejet flight. Ironically, she was on her way to speak on disability issues at an international conference in Goa.


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