
Aijaz Ahmad: A Warrior for Marxism

PROFESSOR Aijaz Ahmad, who passed away last week in Irvine, California, was one of the foremost Marxist intellectuals of our times.  His significance as a Marxist theoretician came to prominence in the period after the retreat of socialism in the late 1980s and which led to the dismantling of the Soviet Union in 1991.His erudition and talents were wide-ranging. He began his work as an Urdu writer and literary critic.

Ms Invisible or Ms Invincible?

YOU cannot see me, I am invisible. No, it is not me who wakes you up with a cup of hot piping coffee, served early in the morning. Oh, sorry, to wake you up. I know, you cannot be ‘woke’.Your breakfast? Find it on the table. Sorry, will serve it. Please be seated. Yes, of course it is my duty. It is not tasty? Or is it not to your taste? Beg you, spare me, will not repeat it. Oh, no, it is not me who had made it, because I am invisible. But I am responsible for that tasteless thing or that thing which is not up to your taste.A spot of leftovers on the plate? Ugh, curse my day!

8 March 2022 – “Working Women’s Action Day”- Towards the General Strike on March 28-29

THE Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) has decided to observe March 8, 2022, as “Working Women’s Action Day”.The condition of people and particularly women have worsened since the Modi government took over. This government is advancing with disastrous policies detrimental to the basic democratic and secular fabric of our country. The resistance movement is also advancing as we could witness in the historic farmers’ movement, developing the unity of the working class and peasantry.

UKRAINE: Stop this Invasion, Restore Peace

THE Russian invasion of Ukraine has set in motion developments that will have long term implications on European and world affairs. A full-fledged military operation on such a big scale  mounted by Russia, whatever may be the provocations and perceived security threats, is not the way to resolve issues.  An immediate ceasefire and recourse to diplomatic talks and negotiations must be undertaken.TWO IMPORTANT FACTORS There are two important factors leading to the situation that need to be taken into account.  The first are the developments that have taken pl

March 28-29 General Strike will Transcend Struggle to New Height

THE joint platform of central trade unions and independent sectoral federations (CTUs) has given a call for countrywide two days’ general strike against the anti-people, anti-worker and anti-national destructive policy regime of Modi government with a clarion call to “save the peopleand save the nation”.WIDENING UNITED PLATFORMThis is going to be the 21st countrywide general strike against the retrograde neoliberal policy regime since its official advent in 1991.

India's Secular Fabric Under Siege

INDIA has seen an increase in anti-minority far-right narratives in recent years. The country's top lawmaking body itself has become an apparatus that fundamentally operates against Muslim/Christian and dalit citizens, reinforcing their state of otherness and fostering communalism. Many parts of the country have witnessed incidents of lynching in the name of religion. Worryingly, in most of these cases the culprits are getting acquitted and even laws are being reframed in favour of such vigilantes.

Cryptocurrency – Legal or Illegal?

CRYPTOCURRENCY has been a hot topic of discussion in our country for quite a few years.  Those who support cryptocurrency argue that the transactions of this virtual currency are done through blockchain technology and are therefore well protected.  They say that it is very easy to invest; one can start investing even with Rs 100 and is a safe investment. The first decentralised cryptocurrency was created by pseudonymous developer Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009.

Who’s Lying?

THE recent wrangle between the prime minister, chief minister of Telangana and union power minister exposes one of the false narratives the central government has been building, even while putting spotlight on how crony capitalism is appropriating yet another human endeavour to save mother earth, for its ugly profiteering.Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s claim that his government was supplying power at the rate of Rs 1.10 per unit to states was squarely challenged by chief minister of Telangana K Chandrasekhar Rao and he called it a lie.

Budget Direction for Urban Remains the Same No Relief to People

BUDGETARY proposals placed by the finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman on February 1, 2022, for the fiscal year 2022-23 provided no relief to the people, especially those living in urban centres who were severely hit by the pandemic. With meteoric spiked unemployment in the last few years, it was expected that this year budget will at least address this problem partially. However, the much-awaited cry for an urban employment guarantee remained unaddressed. It is estimated that over 200 million people are without work, most of them in the urban centres.


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