Agrarian Issues

Kisans to burn effigies of Modi government and corporates on Dec 5

IN a press statement issued by Hannan Mollah, general secretary of AIKS on December 3, he said that the AIKS has given a call to all its units throughout the country to burn the effigies of the Narendra Modi government and corporate giants Ambani and Adani on December 5The decision to it was taken in a joint meeting of ‘working group’ of AIKSCC, Punjab kisan organisations’ coordination committee, RKMS and various BKU groups held at Singhu Boarder on  December 2.  The meeting has decided to intensify the ongoing struggle of Delhi Chalo and countrywide agitation under the banner of Samyuktha

Reinstate Goods Train Services to Punjab: AIKS

THE discussion on November 13, between the representatives of the 29 farmers organisations of Punjab who are in continuous agitation for the last two months with the agriculture minister Narendra Singh Tomar and railway minister Piyush Goyal ended inconclusively due to the adamant stand of the Modi government.  In addition to the national demands of repeal the three Farm Acts and Electricity Bill, the kisan leaders demanded immediate reinstatement of the goods train services to Punjab, permanent solution to the issue of stubble burning and payment of dues to the sugarcane farmers.

Historic Response to Pratirodh Diwas against Anti-Farmer Bills

Total Bandh in Punjab and Haryana, Widespread in Rajasthan and KarnatakaHighways and Rail Lines Blocked, Effigies of Modi Burnt in Many StatesWorkers and Different Sections Unite in Support of FarmersRESPONSE to the Pratirodh Diwas (Protest Day) call on September 25, given by All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee (AIKSCC) against the anti-farmer bills brought by the Narendra Modi led BJP government has been unprecedented. It has been a historic resistance with masses coming out in lakhs across India.

All India Protest Day against Anti-Farmer Bills, Sept 25

The All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee (AIKSCC) has given a call for observing September 25 as All India Protest Day against the three farm sector Bills. The Bills – the Farmers' Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill, the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill, and the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill – were passed by parliament in utter disregard for established parliamentary procedures, federal principles, and rights of states and farmers.

Karnataka Land Reforms Ordinance: Inviting Corporate Capital & Alienating Small Farmers

THE central government has used the pandemic to pass ordinances that significantly changed agricultural legislations to open up agricultural markets and serve interests of large companies and corporate capital. The Karnataka government has followed in the footsteps of the central government to promulgate the Karnataka Land Reforms (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020 (henceforth the Karnataka land ordinance) on July 13. This ordinance seeks to further corporate and private interests in agricultural land.

Assess the loss and provide adequate compensation: AIKS

IN a press release dated September 5, AIKS has stated that in the entire cotton-growing area of Haryana the standing crop that reached the stage of ball formation suffered massive losses due to Whitefly infestation. A total of 7.37 lakh hectares were sown with a cotton crop which is almost nine per cent more than last year. This is spread over half of the districts of the state out of which it is one of the major crops in at least five districts along with Paddy, Bajra, pulses etc., in the Kharif season.

AIKS Questions BJP Govt Claims on Agriculture

IN a statement issued on September 3, the All India Kisan Sabha noted that the data released by the BJP government recently has made clear the devastation caused by the unplanned and draconian lockdown implemented in the last week of March. Even after the misery caused by the lockdown is clear to all, the government is in a denial mode and unwilling to provide any substantive relief to farmers and working people.

Paltry Increase in Sugarcane Prices

THE Narendra Modi led BJP government has announced the Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) of sugarcane for the season 2020-21 as Rs 2850 per tonne for a recovery rate of 10 per cent. The government which did not make any increase in the sugarcane price last year has now declared only Rs 100 increase per tonne. This increase is pittance when compared to the huge increase in input costs and overall costs of cultivation. It also makes a mockery of the plight of farmers who, due to the unplanned lockdown, have suffered huge losses in income and are in acute distress.

Govt Hoarding Foodgrains in Times of Hunger is Criminal: AIKS

ON June 1, Food Corporation of India had 10.4 crore tonnes of foodgrains. Never before has the government hoarded such a large quantity of foodgrains. This is 83.3 lakh tonnes in excess of what the government needs for operational and emergency requirements. The All India Kisan Sabha, in a statement issued on June 24, has said that it is criminal to hoard such a large quantity of grains during a crisis such as the present, when hunger and food insecurity affects a vast majority of people in India.


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