Agrarian Issues

Corporate Biased Recommendations of SC Appointed Committee on Farm Acts

THE All India Kisan Sabha, in a statement issued on March 22, has strongly condemned the recommendation by the Supreme Court appointed committee to bring back the three Farm Acts. AIKS would like to highlight the fact that the members of the SC appointed committee were known for their strong faithfulness to the three Farm Acts unilaterally brought by the union government.

AIKS Supports Anganwadi Workers’ Struggle

THE All India Kisan Sabha, in a statement issued on March 3, has extended its support to the consistent struggle of the courageous anganwadi workers and helpers who have carried on the struggle undeterred by the attacks unleashed. As the struggle has continued for more than 85 days now, the Manoharlal Khattar led BJP government has resorted to threats, harassment, mass arrests. Striking anganwadi workers, helpers and their family members, who were travelling from different parts of the state to participate in the march to Haryana assembly on March 3, 2022 have been arrested.

MSP Reduced in Real Terms

BJP’s Claim of “Highest Ever” Rise in MSP a Blatant LieTHE All India Kisan Sabha, in a statement issued on September 8, has condemned the callous manner in which the Narendra Modi led BJP government has announced the minimum support prices (MSP) for Rabi Marketing Season, 2022-23 without following the C2+50 per cent formula or even taking into account increased costs of inputs and inflation. As usual the government and its propaganda machinery are claiming it to be the “highest ever”.

Agricultural Workers: Forced to Live and Die in the Dark`

THE impact of the agrarian crisis on agricultural workers lead to their precarious conditions and even forces them to commit suicide. The policy changes in agriculture also affects the lives of agricultural workers who are at the lowest rung of the social and economic life of rural India.Suicides of agricultural workers were not even recorded until 2013. In 2014, recording the suicides of agricultural workers was initiated and the information publicly released.

AIKS mourns death of Comrade Munda

THE All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) paid homage to its veteran leader, Comrade Rajendra Singh Munda, 92, and  who passed away on April 18.  The AIKS called him a doyen of the peasant and Adivasi movement and said that he was an inspiring leader who led many struggles for land and forest rights.A much loved leader known for his simple life and endearing style of work, Comrade Munda was affectionately called Rajen Babu. He was the state president of the Jharkhand Kisan Sabha and also member of CPI(M) state secretariat.

Harmful Recommendation

THE All India Kisan Sabha, in a statement issued on March 20, has condemned the recommendation by the Standing Committee on Food, Consumer Affairs and PDS headed by the Trinamul Congress MP Sudip Bandyopadhyay to implement the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020.

AIKS Condemns PM's Odious Statement

THE AIKS, in a statement issued on February 8, has strongly condemned the statement by prime minister Narendra Modi who has insulted the protesting farmers as 'Andolan Jeevis', and 'parasites' and demands its immediate withdrawal and apology for his derogatory remarks in parliament.AIKS said that this insult comes from a 'corporate jeevi'  prime minister whose RSS was never a part of the glorious 'andolan' of the people of India against the slavery of British rule.Each farmer as a citizen has the right to protest as per the constitution of India and the prime minister abusing his power to m

Who is Spreading lies? Modi, not the Kisans: AIKS

AIKS CONDEMNS the prime minister’s resort to lies and deceit to deliberately mislead Indian farmers about Kerala agriculture and role of the Left Democratic Front government. His comments expose his ignorance about Kerala’s agriculture, this was stated by the AIKS in a press release issued on December 26.  The prime minister is either misled by his advisors or is deliberately resorting to deceit to mislead people of India. Modi has raised a question “there are no APMCs and mandis in Kerala. So, why are there no protests in Kerala?


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