Agrarian Issues

Stop Corporatisation of Agriculture

THE All India Kisan Sabha has decided to send one lakh letters to the president, the prime minister and agriculture minister by email demanding to stop corporatisation of agriculture and ensure income support, health security, food, MSP, jobs and minimum wages. Letters were sent from the all India centre by Hannan Mollah, general secretary and Ashok Dhawale, president, on June 20.

Ensure Immediate Financial Allocation for Food & Livelihood Support: AIKS & AIAWU

Below we publish the text of the letter written by the All India Kisan Sabha and All India Agricultural Workers' Union to the prime minister, on March 26, regarding the Covid-19 and lockdown, seeking mitigation of the suffering of the peasantry and toiling masses.THE country is reeling under the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic. The central government’s decision of lockdown declared by you for 21 days across the country to contain the pandemic is inevitable.

AIAWU Demands Unemployment Allowance for Agri Workers

THE country is in a fear psychosis because of the ever increasing cases of coronavirus infected, which need to be prevented from going out of hand. All public institutions starting from Supreme Court to educational institutions are going through self imposed quarantines. Several government offices have become temporarily dysfunctional. The government itself is asking people to restrict themselves to their homes. Moreover, several state governments and the central government are encouraging people to improve their sanitation and use masks, hand sanitizers etc.

AIKS Demands Compensation for Farmers

THE peasantry in north Indian states is facing severe loss due to unseasonal rain and hailstorm last week that ruined crops especially in Haryana, Punjab, Delhi and parts of Uttar Pradesh. The farmers are facing severe losses as substantial part of the crops has been destroyed.Natural calamities have become unbearable especially to the small and middle peasantry and agricultural workers who are reeling under acute farm crisis across the country.

Countrywide Protests planned against Trump’s visit

RAISING slogans like: “go back trump”, “hands off Indian agriculture”, “no to opening up of poultry and dairy market to US products”, the AIKS has decided to build a strong opposition to the visit of Donal Trump, president of the United States of America.  The AIKS in a statement issued on February 17, has opposed the decision of the Narendra Modi led BJP government to invite US president to India on February 24 and 25, 2020 and facilitate the signing of trade agreements to open up the dairy and poultry market to US products.

Protest against Bolsonaro: AIKS, AIDWA, SFI hold a protest at Jantar- Mantar

PROTESTS were organised in several places of country on January 25, against the visit of Brazilian President, Jair Messias Bolsonaro, who was invited as chief guest for India’s Republic Day celebrations on January 26 by Narendra Modi government.  All India Sugarcane Farmers’ Federation (affiliated to All India Kisan Sabha) had given call for protest actions to its units.

India Opting out of RCEP is a Big Victory for Peasants & Workers

INDIA decided to opt out of the RCEP on November 4, 2019 in a significant victory for the peasants and workers. The All India Kisan Sabha, in a statement issued by on November 5, has said that this is clearly a result of the immense pressure built by massive united protests of peasants and workers across the country. It is notable that the AIKS along with the AIAWU, CITU and the All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee had massive protests with burning of effigies of the prime minister and RCEP across India on the same day in addition to series of protests earlier.

MSP Announced is a Betrayal of Farmers: AIKS

THE Minimum Support Price (MSP) of winter crops for the forthcoming Rabi Marketing Season (RMS) (2020-21) announced by the Narendra Modi led BJP government is insensitive, anti-peasant and a betrayal of its own promises. In times of an economic recession, increased costs of cultivation and falling incomes, the MSP announced is a mockery of farmers’ plight. Pliant sections of the corporate media are only adding insult to injury by terming it a festival gift to farmers.


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