
Gandhiji’s Values: Anathema for Hindutva Forces

HAD Gandhiji been alive today, he would have sat on an indefinite hunger strike against the mob lynchings of innocent people accused of cow slaughter. Because for him, even a single act of violence against an innocent man was an anathema.As we observe the 150th birth anniversary of the 'Mahatma', it is necessary to recall why he became a great soul for the crores of Indians and for many people around the world.Gandhiji was truly a world historical figure of the twentieth century.

Rising Unemployment and the Urban Employment Guarantee

UNEMPLOYMENT in the cities is rising acutely since demonetisation was implemented in the country by Narendra Modi on September 9, 2016. The voices of the unemployed could not be heard at that time since most of the people who had to lose their jobs were from the unorganised sector. The informal sector comprises 93 per cent of the city jobs, the figure two decades ago was nearly 75 per cent. This figure explains the humongous loss done to the job security in the cities. The informal sector workers were the hardest hit because of demonetisation.

CAG Report on GST Reveals Fraud

THE GST Council, in its 37th session on September 20, 2019 in Goa, chaired by the union finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman and attended by the finance ministers of all states, has taken urgent steps in slashing down the tariff rates in starred hotels to encourage hospitality industry and tourism, particularly foreign tourism.

Assam: NRC and After

THE publication of final NRC in Assam has drawn the attention of the whole country. Not only now but for last couple of years, with the publication of first draft, stories related to NRC are hitting the headlines in all forms of media. The question of ‘stateless’ people it may create has been keenly watched by the international media as well. Perhaps now it needs no repetition that till now the NRC was unique and specific to Assam only. In independent India, only Assam had prepared National Register of Citizens (NRC) in 1951.

Hike in Traffic Fines Draws Public Outcry, States Stall Imposition

 THE central government has hiked the penalty amount by ten times and made provision of imprisonment in the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019. Spiked penalty even for minor offences like riding without a helmet or seatbelt, delayed insurance renewal and license renewal etc came into force across the country from September 1. These penalties will be increasing by ten per cent every year on April 1, as notified by the central government.

Patriarchal Citizenship and Disenfranchisement Of Women in Assam

HALIMA Khatun is a middle aged woman, who has been detained at the Kokrajhar Detention Centre in Assam for over 10 years. She has four children who live with her husband in Nagaon district. Except for her, the entire family has been declared as an “Indian” in the NRC process. Similar is the story of Arti Das who is also from Nagaon; she has been lodged in Kokrajhar Detention Centre for the last three years, while her husband is detained at the Tezpur Detention Centre. But their two children are ‘bonafide’ Indian citizens.

Whose Market was it Anyway?

IT was way back in February of 2019, when the Central Statistical Office (CSO) declared the GDP figures for the third quarter (October-December) of 2018-19 that the talk first began in the media about the Indian economy heading towards a slowdown. It didn’t, however, become the centre of attention on account of the Lok Sabha elections.

Amazon Forest Fire

AMAZON Rain Forest has been burning at a record rate since August 2019. The raging forest fire has not only been continuing but also expanding.  The core of the fire ball is in Brazil, encompassing the area of Equator and Peru. Brazil has at last declared a state of emergency because of this devastating fire in the region.

Urban flooding

MUCH awaited monsoons in the country may be deficient in rainfall, but flooding even with scant rainfall has become a common phenomenon. The cities happens to be the worst resilient with the kind of infrastructure that has been constructed over the years. This leads to loss of lives and property. Just in three states, Maharashtra, Kerala and Karnataka, 227 people have died and the number may be higher as there are a large number of missing persons.

Right Wing Desperation in DU

SANGH Parivar is desperately trying to portray Vinayak Damodar Savarkar as a brave anti-imperialist freedom fighter among the youth of our country. To showcase him as a brave personality, the RSS family calls him “Veer Savarkar”, this is the nomenclature of VD Savarkar popularised in Vidya Bharti school textbooks and in RSS shakhas.Despite all these efforts, the Sangh family has failed to establish Savarkar as a youth icon. But they haven’t given up.


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