
World Cities Day: Can Technology serve the purpose

OCTOBER 31st, marked the United Nation’s World Cities Day and the theme for this year is “Changing the world: innovations and better life for the future generations”. Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary General has remarked, “let us commit to embracing innovation to ensure a better life for future generations and chart a path towards sustainable, inclusive urban development that benefits all.” Over half of the world’s population now resides in cities, with rapid urbanisation, the number of people will almost double by 2050.

RCEP: Death Knell For Indian Agriculture

FAST paced moves are on to conclude the talks on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and seal an agreement. The BJP regime is seeking to push through it riding roughshod over the rights of the States and throwing to winds the livelihood of millions of people – the peasantry, agricultural workers, working class, dairy farmers, plantation sector and the poor. There have been noises of protest from the Congress Party which was the chief architect of the India-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and numerous other FTAs in the pipeline.

How Modi Govt Created Economic Slowdown

INDIA is facing an unprecedented slowdown of the economy with GDP growth slumping to 5 per cent in the June quarter, agriculture growing by only 2 per cent and manufacturing by a mere 0.6 per cent. Private consumption expenditure – spending by families on consumption – has slipped downwards, bank credit has decelerated, investment is dipping and sales of common commodities are declining. Such is the sweep of this slowdown that lakhs of workers have either been thrown out of jobs or laid off.

Unprecedented Strike; Unprecedented Response

THE Telangana chief minister, who often creates ‘sensational news’, himself inadvertently confirmed the wide magnitude of the united strike of TSRCTC workers. Out of total 49,190 workers, 48,000 plus workers are on strike at the call of the Joint Action Committee (JAC) of Telangana SRTC Employees and Workers’ Unions since October 5 early morning. From the agitated reaction of the chief minister, the serious impact of the strike becomes obvious.

Ayodhya-how Pious?

AYODHYA, from a Hindu politico laboratory to Politico-Religious Capital of the Hindu Right is the correct way of defining the transformation of this city. Ayodhya, which was considered to be a city of piousness for devout Hindus based on Hindu mysticism, over the years, has completely changed. Thanks to the experiment of the Sangh Parivar, of course the RSS in the lead, the Ayodhya has metamorphosised into a centre of syndicates of various kinds; spiritual, land, political and criminal.

Against Merger Bank Workers Strike on Oct 22

BANK Employees Federation of India (BEFI) and All India Bank Employees Association (AIBEA) have given a joint nation-wide strike call on October 22 opposing the proposal made by Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitaraman to merge ten public sector banks (PSB).Calling the merger as a step closer towards privatisation of public sector banks, the unions sought the government to stop imposing neo-liberal banking reforms and demanded that it should ensure recovery of bad loans along with strict action against defaulters.  The unions also demanded that the customers should not be harassed with penal cha

150th year of Mahatama Gandhi’s birth anniversary: Redouble the Resolve to safeguard the Secular-Democratic Republic

YEAR 2019 is the 150th birth anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Gandhiji remains the unparalleled mass leader of the Indian people. He successfully mobilised people from the whole of India’s vast diversity in the struggle for independence from British colonial rule.As my generation grew up in post-independent India, a question always arose that demanded an answer.  This unrivalled leader of the Indian people would often be living in the house of one of the biggest capitalists in India, Ghanshyam Das Birla.


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