Social Issues

Take back Auction of 41 Coal Blocks

BHUMI Adhikar Andolan(BAA) issued a press release on June 19, to roll back the decision to auction 41 coal blocks. BAA said that coal is not a commodity for private profit and it cannot be sold in the name of development. The BAA also demanded implementation of PESA-Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act and Forest Rights Act in its letter and spirit.The coal blocks listed in the states of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh are located in regions of dense forest, with several species of valuable tress and a rich wildlife.

NPRD WelcomeS TN Govt's Ex gratia for Disabled

THE National Platform for the Rights of the Disabled (NPRD), in a statement issued on June 16, has  congratulated the disability movement in Tamil Nadu for forcing the Tamil Nadu state government to announce an ex gratia of Rs 1000.Unlike the ex gratia announced by the union finance minister, which covers a mere 3.81 per cent of the disabled population, this ex gratia will be given to the all disabled persons who possess a disability certificate.

The Pandemic that Endures

ON the very first day of the lockdown, March 25, a sanitation worker in Delhi, Suresh, died at a sewage treatment plant while his co-worker, Jasbir, was admitted to hospital in a critical condition.  They were not only working in extremely hazardous conditions but they were also bereft of equipment  considered essential for such work all over the world.Sanitation workers are acknowledged as being frontline warriors in the battle against Covid-19 but the reality of their caste means that this so-called recognition makes little difference to their conditions of living and social status.

NPRD condemns attack on disabled

 THE National Platform for the Rights of the Disabled (NPRD) strongly condemns the brutal violence perpetrated by the Delhi Police on students and teachers of Jawaharlal Nehru University who were holding a peaceful protest against the massive hike in fees and their right to an affordable and accessible education on November 18.The viciousness of the police is much more atrocious given the fact that even students with disabilities were not spared. A visually impaired student was subjected to indiscriminate beating.

Shame on you Manu, Apologise

THE news about death of two innocent children of Shivpuri on September 25 morning was very scary. Scarier was the fact that except one newspaper the others did not even think that it was worth reporting. It seems that journalism now has become more of an agenda work and news is missing from it.The item, “open defecation” was misleading and trash news.

Exclusion in IIM Ahmedabad

THE recent notification of Indian Institute of Management-Ahmadabad(IIM-A) for the PhD programme in management, 2020 is the typical case where there is no provision to implement reservations for historically marginalised social groups. In the official notification, it had no provisions for an SC/ST (Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe) quota. This is in violation of the reservation mandated by the Constitution of India that makes it obligatory for all central educational institutions to reserve seats for each course and branch of study.

TRIPURA: Tapasili Jati Samanway Samiti Convention Evokes Enthusiastic Response

THE Tripura Tapasili Jati Samanway Samiti organised a state-level convention in Agartala on September 1. It has been decided to organise a mass deputation to the governor on a nine-point demands on September 21.The convention was addressed by  CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Manik Sarkar and general secretary of Dalit Shoshan Mukti Manch, Ramchandra Dom.


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