Social Issues

Delhi: DSMM Organises Manusmriti Burning Day

Enable GingerCannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connectionor reload the browserDisable in this text fieldRephraseRephrase current sentenceEdit in Ginger×THE fight against oppressive social structures needs a strong resolve and a united movement against the so-called laws of Manu or Manusmriti, a highly repressive text providing legitimacy to brahmanism and the caste system. B R Ambedkar burned the copies of the book almost a hundred years ago to give this particular message.

Fourth All India Convention of Bhoomi Adhikar Andolan

FOURTH ALL India convention of the Bhoomi Adhikar Andolan was held at Constitution Club, New Delhi, on September 26-27, 2022. It was attended by 190 delegates representing seventy organisations from 20 states, including Arunachal Pradesh and Tripura.The convention was inaugurated by Hannan Mollah. In the inaugural session, Dayamani Barla, Ulka Mahajan, Praful Samantray, Satyawan, Ashok Choudhury, Medha Patkar and Alok Shukla addressed the delegates. A report on land grab prepared by the research group was placed in this session.

Paschimbanga Rajya Pratibandhi Sammilani Resolves to Intensify Struggles

THE ninth conference of Paschimbanga Rajya Pratibandhi Sammilani, an affiliate of the National Platform for the Rights of the Disabled, was held in Krishnanagar, Nadia, on June 11-12, 2022.

The conference was attended by 650 delegates, including 125 women from 22 districts.

Representing a membership of one lakh fifty-three thousand, the conference kicked off with a huge procession where more than 6,000 people turned up braving the sweltering heat.

NPRD Condemns Arbitrary Detention of Disabled Persons in TN

THE National Platform for the Rights of the Disabled (NPRD), in a statement issued on March 22, has strongly condemned the arbitrary detention of hundreds of disabled persons while they were proceeding to Chennai from different parts of Tamilnadu to participate in a demonstration before the state secretariat demanding an enhancement in the amount of disability “pension” at the call of the NPRD affiliate, the Tamilnadu Association for the Rights of all types of Differently Abled and Caregivers (TARATDAC).Reports of police forcibly de-boarding disabled passengers holding valid tickets from tr

Para Sportspersons Treated in a Reprehensible Manner

THE National Platform for the Rights of the Disabled (NPRD) expressed dismay at the deplorable and reprehensible manner in which the National Para Athletics Championship was conducted in Bengaluru from March 24 to 27, 2021. NPRD has written a letter to the minister for youth and sports, Kiren Rijiju, on March 25, after having been flooded with complaints of varying natures from the athletes.Originally scheduled to be held at Chennai, the venue was changed at the last minute to Bengaluru.

RCI Flouts Reservation Policy

THE Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) under the ministry of social justice & empowerment set up under an act of parliament which is mandated to “regulate and monitor services given to persons with disability, to standardise syllabi and to maintain a Central Rehabilitation Register of all qualified professionals and personnel working in the field of Rehabilitation and Special Education” has been found to be flouting the policy with regard to  reservation in admission to various courses for the academic year 2020-21.Certain irregularities that were brought to the notice of the Nationa

Brutal Gangrape & Murder of Dalit Girl

THE Dalit Shoshan Mukti Manch, in a statement issued on September 30, has strongly condemned the brutal gangrape and murder of the young dalit woman in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh by upper caste goondas. Shockingly the  local police delayed the registration of FIR for days and she was not given adequate medical care. Finally public pressure led to her transfer to Delhi but it was too late. In a most objectionable statement, the district SP denied that she had been raped and said that her tongue had not been cut but she had bitten it herself.

Govt to Withdraw Amendments to RPD Act

THE National Platform for the Rights of the Disabled (NPRD) has, in a statement issued on July 8, congratulated the disabled community of India for standing together to defeat the conspiracies to amend the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act and defang it of its penal provisions.The NPRD also expressed its gratitude to all those people’s movements and political parties and personalities who expressed solidarity and stood with one of the most marginalised sections of society.The government in response to the united opposition displayed by the disabled community has thought it prudent to

Remove Manu Statue: DSMM

THE Dalit Shoshan Mukti Manch extends its support to the demand made by several dalit activists and organisations for the removal of the Manu statue in the premises of the High Court at Jaipur. This statue was placed there 31 years ago by a group of advocates who wanted to pay homage to him as a lawmaker.The DSMM, in a statement issued on July 2, said that the Manusmriti is a text that glorifies the worst forms of inequality, discrimination and oppression. It upholds birth ordained inequality and prescribes punishment based on caste and gender.


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