
Land of Many Historic Struggles, Sikar to Host 15th All India Conference of SFI

SIKAR, a city whose art, architecture and culture bear the mark of a rich history of confluence and diversity, will host the 15th All India Conference of SFI from January 22 to 25. The rich legacy of spirited peasant agitations makes the choice of the city even more appropriate, as in a historic first, the All India Conference of SFI is taking place in the Northwest India. The conference is taking place at a time when the whole nation is witnessing an assault on the very idea of India as a secular and democratic republic.

MAHARASHTRA: CPI(M) Holds Students’ State Party Class

THE CPI(M) Maharashtra state committee organised a three-day state-level Party class for its leading activists working on the student front from November 7-9, 2015 at the Comrade B T Ranadive Memorial Bhavan in New Mumbai. The class began, significantly, on the 98th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution led by the Bolsheviks under Lenin. 105 selected student activists from 13 districts attended the class.

Adivasi Adhikar Sangharsh Sammelan

Adivasis from Every Region of the Country Join HandsTo Protest Modi Govt's Attack on their RightsFOR the first time since the Modi government was elected to power in May 2014, adivasis from across the country assembled at Mavlankar Hall, New Delhi, in the Adivasi Adhikar Sangharsh Sammelan on August 5.The convention organised jointly by the  Adivasi Adhikar Rashtriya Manch, Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Mahasabha, Bharat Jan Andolan and Campaign for Survival and Dignity was attended by representatives from more than eighteen states.More than a thousand people gat

125th Birth Anniversary of Dr B R Ambedkar Observed in Tripura

EVEN after 69 years of independence, caste and creed discrimination strongly exists in India. Successive rulers were optimistic that this social evil would be eliminated with gradual modernisation, industrialisation and urbanisation etc. But that did not happen because feudalism which has nexus with ruling classes, is very much keen to keep the people divided on caste and creed lines. This evil feature has extended its long hand to our economic sector also, said Brinda Karat, Polit Bureau member of the CPI(M) at a seminar in Agartala on July 12.

Adivasi Adhikar Sangharsh Sammelan to be held on Aug 5

ORGANISATIONS representing tribal communities from across India joined hands to give a call for a national convention during the forthcoming parliament session against the NDA government’s systematic attack on the rights of adivasis.  At a recent joint meeting held in New Delhi, the organisations expressed concern that, at such a time, when every institution and regulation that protects the resource rights of tribals and other forest dwellers is being undercut, the voice of adivasis has not been heard in the critiques of policy making over the last year.Some of the recent examples of the an

Adivasis Resolve to Unite and Struggle

THE central executive committee (CEC) of Adivasi Adhikar Rashtriya Manch (AARM) in its meeting held on June 13-14, in New Delhi, resolved to organise struggles against the Modi government's offensive on adivasi communities. The aggressive moves to reverse or eliminate hard won rights including the Forest Rights Act, PESAA, constitutional protections under the Fifth and Sixth Schedule are reflected in the recently adopted Mines & Minerals (Development & Regulation) Amendment Bill 2015.

CPI(M) Goa State Conference Calls for Strengthening the Party

THE 16th Goa state conference of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) was successfully held at Vasco-da-Gama on March 29, 2015, with a call for strengthening the Party and building up a Left and Democratic Front in Goa. 25 delegates working in six branches in the trade union, kisan, lawyers and intellectuals fronts, congregated at the Comrade Gopinath Waman Rao Manch named after the late founder member of the Party in Goa who passed away just after the last state conference.The Red Flag was hoisted by veteran leader of the Party in Goa Comrade Suresh S Naik.

17th Conference of Great Britain’s Association of Indian Communists Held

THE 17th conference of the Association of Indian Communists (AIC), Great Britain was held in Southall West, London on March 29. The conference was preceded by a public meeting on March 28 evening, which was addressed by CPI(M) Polit Bureau member M A and documentary filmmaker Leslee Udwin among others. The meeting was jointly organised by AIC and the Indian Workers' Association (IWA) and commemorated the martyrdom of 'Shaheed-e-Azam' Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev.

CPI(M) State Conference Calls for Restoring Eroding Autonomy of J&K

ON the eve of the 10th state conference of the Jammu and Kashmir CPI(M) committee, a public rally attended by thousands of participants with red flags in their hands,  was held at Jammu which was presided over by Sham Prasad Kesar, senior leader of the Party in the state.  Sitaram Yechury, CPI(M) Polit Bureau member and MP, Mohd Saleem, Central Committee member and MP and MY Tarigami, state secretary of the Party and MLA, were among others who addressed the rally.Sitaram Yechury, while addressing the rally said that the Party has been playing an important role at the national level to thwar


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