
Odisha State Conference Calls for Expanding Party Base

THE 21st Odisha state conference of the CPI(M) was successfully held from January 7-9 in Berhampur. It was inaugurated by CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury. On January 7, a hugely-attended public meeting was preceded by big colourful processions with red flags, festoons, placards and traditional band from different corners of the city. These processions converged at Ramalingam Tank Road, the venue of the public meeting. Hundreds of adivasis, dalits and toiling people from Ganjam, Gajapati, Nabarangpur, Kalahandi and Malkangiri joined the rally.

JHARKHAND: CPI(M) State Conference Vows to Build Left-Democratic Alternative

THE sixth state conference of the CPI(M) Jharkhand commitee was held at the ‘Coal Capital of India’, Dhanbad on January 10-12, 2018.  The conference commenced with the hoisting of the Party flag by veteran leader and state secretariat member of CPI(M), Rajendra Singh Munda, followed by three rallies across the thoroughfares of the city, which culminated at the Zila Parishad ground. Despite cold temperatures and foggy skies, thousands of workers, peasants, youth, students, women and progressive people of Dhanbad across different sections of the society marched in large numbers.

CPI(M) Rajasthan State Conference

THE 22nd Rajasthan state conference of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) was held between December 24-26, 2017 at Comrade Hariram Chouhan Nagar, Jhunjhunu. Held in the backdrop of a successful statewide farmer’s agitation as well as growing militancy among workers and students under the red flag, the 22nd state conference mirrored the energy and excitement of the recent struggles. The conference was held at the Shekhawati province of Jhunjhunu district for the first time, on account of the region’s growing participation in farmers- led mass struggles.

UITARAKHAND: Sixth State Conference of CPI(M)

THE sixth state conference of the Uttarakhand unit of the CPI(M) commenced on December 16, at Bhagwati Palace in Almora. The venue was dedicated to the memory of Comrades Nagendra Saklani and Bholu Bhandari who were martyred fighting against the Tihari Kingdom.A procession marched through the streets of the city before the commencement of the conference. It culminated in a rally which was addressed by Party leadership.

MADHYA PRADESH: CPI(M) Holds 15th State Conference

MADHYA Pradesh today is another laboratory for Hindutva vaadi policies.  Manuvaadi thinking, attacks on the rights and equal status of dalits, adivasis, women and are the order of the day.  Simultaneously, the BJP government of Shivraj Patil is ruthlessly implementing neo-liberal policies by handing over the natural resources of the state to corporate and land mafia.  Corruption has reached new heights while employment, industry and the farm sector are all devastated.  Welfare schemes have either been scrapped or are ridden with corruption.  The 15th state conference of the CPI(M) resolved

DELHI: CPI(M) Holds Fifteenth State Conference

THE 15th Delhi state conference of the CPI(M) was held on December 16-17, 2017 at Vijay Enclave in Dwarka. The conference began on December 16 with Baldev Singh, the eldest Party member in the state, unfurling the Party flag amidst thunderous slogans.Inaugurating the conference, CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Prakash Karat spoke at length on the national and international developments. He mentioned that even a decade after the world economic crisis of 2007-08, there is still crisis in the developed capitalist countries.

Second National Convention of DSMM: Intensify Struggles for Social Justice

The Second National Convention of the Dalit Shoshan Mukti Manch was held in Madurai, Tamil Nadu from November 4-6. The conference venue was named as Rohith Vemula Hall. From 21 states, 452 delegates including 55 women attended the convention.The convention began with an inaugural session on November 4 in the evening at 4.00 pm. The Venmani Jyoti (torchlight) against the Venmani killings was received by A Lazar and P Suganthi and the torchv against Honour Killings was received by S Bala and P Uchimahali.


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