
Haryana All-set to Hold AIKS All India Conference

PREPARATIONS are in full swing for successful holding of Kisan Sabha all India conference at Hisar in Haryana from October 3-6. Hisar will be hosting it for the second time while the last one it held was in 1992 when Comrades Jyoti Basu and Harkishan Singh Surjeet had addressed a huge kisan rally. This time around the venue is named after Com Harkisan Singh Surjeet who led several peasant struggles including the historical anti-betterment levy movement.

Adivasi Adhikar Rashtriya Manch National Conference

THE third national conference of the Adivasi Adhikar Rashtriya Manch (AARM) was held in the steel city of Visakhapatnam from June 20-22, 2017.  359 delegates from 15 states and its 16 affiliated units participated in the conference. The conference venue in the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant Town was named as Dr Nilmoni Debbarma Nagar, veteran leader of Tripura Gana Mukti Parishad.

CITU Foundation Day Observed on May 30

THE foundation day of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions was observed throughout the country with various programmes on May 30.The 15th conference of CITU decided to conduct a month long campaign from May 1-30 aiming at ideological development of the cadres and members. On the occasion of the centenary of Great October revolution, popular lectures/classes on ‘the journey of the working class from May Day demanding social justice to the Great October Revolution establishing the State for social justice’ at all levels of the organisation were organised up to the union committees.

All India Girls’ Convention of SFI Held in Vijayawada

THE fifth All India Girls’ Convention of SFI was held successfully in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh from January 27-29, 2017. This convention was happening in a context which is remarkably different from the previous girls convention held in Shimla in 2013. Today we have a government in centre, which is using the State power to further its destructive agenda of Hindutva. The impact can be felt in all spheres of life.

All set for the Tenth All India Conference of DYFI

FOR the first time Ernakulum is going to host the all India conference of the Democratic Youth Federation of India, from February 1-5. On February 2nd morning, former Supreme Court judge, Justice Gopal Gowda will inaugurate the delegate session. The conference will be attended by 700 delegates from across the country. Eminent scientist Prof. Pushpa M Bhargava will deliver the keynote address in the inaugural session, through video conference from Hyderabad. He is unable to attend the conference due to his failing health.

TYF Conference Resolves To Fight For Unity, Development & Against Superstition

THE 15th central conference of Tribal Youth Federation (an affiliate of Democratic Youth Federation of India) was held from January 11-13, in Khowai. The conference started with an impressive public meeting at the Khowai Government HS school ground. It was addressed by Chief Minister Manik Sarkar, DYFI state secretary Amal Chakraborty, TYF general secretary Amalendu Debbarma and CEM of TTAADC, Radhacharan Debbarma.

CPI(M) Haryana State Committee Plenum Held at Kaithal

 At the outset, Sitaram Yechury said that because of the sharp decline in both the influence and strength of the Party at the national level, the Vizag Party Congress had felt the need for calling the Plenum to discuss organisational problems to remove bottlenecks to strengthen the revolutionary movement in the country, to improve the Party’s strength and to mobilise people behind the Party. The political aspect was taken up in the political report to the Party Congress.

Tens of Thousands Gather in Sikar on the Occasion of SFI’s All India Conference

SIKAR, in Sekhawati region of Rajasthan has been witness to many a historic struggles, ever since the pre-independence days. Peasant leaders like Trilok Singh and student leaders like Kana Ram have become part of the popular consciousness of the region. The mammoth public meeting on January 22 in the Ramleela Ground of Sikar on the occasion of the 15th all India conference of SFI saw that popular consciousness transforming into a material force full of zeal and energy.


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