
BJP-RSS Regime Criminalises Dissent

THE diabolical and paranoid BJP-RSS central government led by Narendra Modi and Amit Shah has accelerated on the atrocious path of criminalising dissent and demonising protesters in the valiant nationwide farmers’ struggle, which will complete three months on February 26.SERIAL ASSAULTSON DEMOCRACYAfter the violent events on January 26 which the BJP regime had itself orchestrated, the government first went after farmers, arresting over 122 of them and throwing them in prison.

Why Vizag Steel Should Not Be Privatised?

THE centre's decision to privatise the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant invited sharp opposition from people and political parties across Andhra Pradesh. RashtriyaIspat Nigam Limited (RINL), the corporate entity of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (VSP) is the largest public-sector industrial unit in the state creating employment opportunity for close to around 20,000 people directly and many other indirect employment opportunities.The presence of the steel plant led to the massive economic development of the city.

Women Fight Back in Bengal

THE spur-of-the-moment lockdown thrust upon the people of this country has pushed the common people in situations unseen and unheard of before. The poor and the marginalised have been fighting a losing battle for survival. Millions have been rendered jobless and millions forced to do menial jobs. The struggle to remain afloat has been never-ending and tedious.In all this, women have been the worst hit. The lockdown has only fortified the glass ceiling for the country’s female workforce. They were the first to lose jobs when big, medium, small and micro enterprises decided to downsize.

SKM Calls for Countrywide Candle Marches & Rail Roko Stir

AFTER the massive nationwide success of the road blockades (chakka jaam) on February 6, and the series of mahapanchayats in various states in North India, both actions that mobilised lakhs of farmers against the adamant and heartless BJP government at the centre, the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) in its meeting held on February 10 gave a multiple call for intensifying the countrywide struggle for the repeal of the three farm laws and for an MSP law.

SKM Calls for Countrywide Candle Marches & Rail Roko Stir

AFTER the massive nationwide success of the road blockades (chakka jaam) on February 6, and the series of mahapanchayats in various states in North India, both actions that mobilised lakhs of farmers against the adamant and heartless BJP government at the centre, the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) in its meeting held on February 10 gave a multiple call for intensifying the countrywide struggle for the repeal of the three farm laws and for an MSP law.

UNION BUDGET 2021-22: RESPONSES OF MASS ORGANISATIONS: Pro-Corporate and Anti-People Union Budget

THE union budget 2021-22, once again proved that the Narendra Modi government is not ready to change its policies of impoverishing the people, and enriching the crony corporates. The government is completely surrendering to the corporates and imposing slavery on the working class as well as the peasantry. Below we publish the statements issued by various mass organisations, on the union budget.BUDGET MANTRA: SQUEEZE KISANThe All India Kisan Sabha said that budget has completely disregarded the farmers protesting across the country demanding fair remuneration.

National Convention on Unemployment

A NATIONAL CONVENTION on ‘Unemployment, Job Losses and Deteriorating Quality of Employment’ was held jointly by the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI) and Students' Federation of India (SFI) at BTR Bhawan in Delhi on February 2, 2021. More than 300 delegates from across the country, comprising the national and state leadership of the three organisations, participated in the convention.

Jharkhand: Mass Fast Observed on Gandhiji's Martyrdom Day

ON the martyrdom day of Mahatma Gandhi,  January 30, AIKS and CITU organised one-day 'upwas' (Fast) in support of farmers' agitation in front of Gandhiji's statue in Ranchi.In the state capital, activists of AIKS and CITU along with mass organisations and with other social activists took out rally with raising different slogans like 'bapu amar rahe( long live Mahatma Gandhi), inquilab zindabad, bapu hum sharminda hai tere qatil zinda hai( Gandhi, we are ashamed that your murderers are still alive), teeno krishi kanoon wapas lo (take back the three farm laws) etc.


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