
ANDHRA PRADESH: Women Workers Militant Protest against Privatisation of Mid-day Meal Scheme

A LARGE number of women mid-day meal workers tried to lay siege to Andhra Pradesh state HRD minister Ganta Srinivasa Rao’s house at Visakhapatnam on July 30 opposing the government’s decision to introduce cluster system all over the state and run the mid-day meal scheme through private agencies. Police did not allow them to enter the street on which the house is located, but the workers stormed through the barricades leading to arrests. There was pushing and jostling with the protesters trying to reach up to the gate of the minister’s house.

Unorganised Sector Workers Strike in Delhi

AT the joint call of Delhi units of 11 central trade unions (CTUs), a strike was observed on July 20 by unorganised sector workers in Delhi and adjoining areas of Noida and Ghaziabad in NCR over their various demands including enforcement of notified minimum wage of Rs 13,896 for unskilled workers and fixation of minimum wage at Rs 20,000.Their demands included common wage board for the entire NCR region; safety measures at work places; regularisation of contract workers; registration and welfare benefits to construction workers; stopping the removal of street vendors; constitution of all l

Rejuvenating Public Education in Kerala

KERALA model of development has been acclaimed the world over for achieving human development indices that places it at par with several developed countries. A few years back Kerala was mentioned by the UN as the only state in India which lies at the very high in Human Development Index (HDI).A UNDP working paper titled 'Human Development in India: Costs of Inequality', estimated losses in human development due to inequality in different dimensions across Indian states. The loss was highest with respect to education (43 percent), followed by health (34 percent) and income (16 percent).

Meanwhile in Tripura

Hapless Financial ManagementTHE new government in Tripura has run into a deep financial crisis just within four months of assuming office. This was evident from an order dated June 29. The order signed by the principal secretary, department of finance, government of Tripura, has instructed all the DDOs of different government departments that they should deposit the interests earned on the money of different schemes to the government treasury unless the scheme guidelines required the amount of interest to be spent for the same purpose.

Milk producers strike

THE milk producers are on a struggle since last 3 months in Himachal Pradesh.  Under the banner of Himachal Kisan Sabha (HKS) - an affiliate of AIKS, this movement is being led. This is fought in 6 blocks of the state that produce largest quantity of milk. More than 1 lakh litres of milk is produced in these 6 blocks. The milk is sold to the state milk federation through the milk producing societies which buys directly from the milk producers.Milk is also consumed in the regional bazaars and also bought by some of the private milk traders who own and run milk plants.

WEST BENGAL: Reaching Villages for Jail Bharo

IT  is a multifaceted  challenge undertaken against the hegemony of  middlemen, mill owners, anti-farmer  state and central government policies and ruling party’s  apathetic attitude, distress sale and  farmer suicides. In a first of its sorts after its recent formation a year back, the  West Bengal state unit of  All India Agricultural Workers Union  (AIAWU) has decided to reach  to  more than 11,000 villages throughout  the state within a fortnight, taking the call of jail bharo programme on August 9, called by the  AIKS  on the plight of the farmers.  Trade Unions have decided to join in

Protest against Central Govt’s Betrayal in According SCS to AP

AT the call of the CPI(M) and CPI, people of Andhra Pradesh took up protest actions on July 23 against the Modi government for not according Special Category Status and failure in fulfilling the promises made to the state during bifurcation. Protest rallies, rasta rokos, dharnas and other protests were conducted throughout  the state. State leaders of the two parties attended in various centres and exposed the BJP leadership in betraying the people of AP.

CPI(M) Delegation Visits Alwar Lynching Victim’s Family

A DELEGATION of CPI(M) led by Nilotpal Basu, Polit Bureau member and ex MP and Haryana secretary Surender Singh visited Firozpur Jhirka and village Kolgaon on July 22 to meet the family of lynching victim Akbar Khan alias Rakbar Khan by a vigilante group on the intervening night of July 20-21 in Ramgarh (Alwar) Rajasthan.The delegation noted that this lynching is particularly shocking as it comes within days of the stinging Supreme Court judgment over vigilante crimes and such groups taking upon themselves the functions of law enforcement, based on self-declared allegations.Anger and anguis

TAMIL NADU: CPI(M) Plans for a Padayatra “My land – My Right”

SINCE May 22 which has become a black day for the people of Tamil Nadu, following  the brutal killing of 13 innocent protestors against the “all powerful” Sterlite Industries, a unit of Vedanta Group, the state police has started defending its ‘stooge behaviour’ across the state. It has unleashed a reign of terror among the people of Tuticorin through a series of raids and arrests upon the people, completely disregarding the rule of law along the way.When the CPI(M) had planned to organise a protest meeting against the police massacre, permission was denied to organise it.


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