
PM Modi Conceals more than he reveals

The Prime Minister has fired his first salvo for the 2019 general elections through a set-up interview with news agency ANI. He claimed that 2018 has been a ‘shining year’ for India! The electoral results of the 2004; following the Vajpayee claim of “shining India” is there for all to see. PM Modi seems to be reading the ‘writing on the wall’!  In an interaction lasting more than one and half hours, the PM did not even once refer to the promises that he and the BJP made to the Indian people in 2014 and why even a single one of them has not been delivered so far.

No to Electoral Bonds

The CPI(M) will not accept donations through electoral bonds. IN the course of the assembly elections now on in five states, the CPI(M) has been offered electoral bonds as donation in one of the states.  The Party has not accepted this offer even though it is in serious need of funds to fight elections.Why is the CPI(M) rejecting funding through electoral bonds? This requires explanation as the system of electoral bonds introduced by the Modi government is a pernicious one.

On Modi’s Claims about Development

 NARENDRA Modi, the prime minister of India while speaking at the public meetings in Uttar Pradesh boasted about the ‘enhanced pace of completion of developmental projects’ by him and his government. He remarked that the previous governments were responsible for stalled projects in the country, particularly in UP. According to him, a list of incomplete projects was prepared and the target was set (though four years of the government have already passed) for their completion.But is it really true?

Mob Lynchings: Defeat This Medieval Barbarity

AS the prime minister was labouring to deliver his one and half hour long speech at the end of the no-confidence motion debate on Friday, June 20, Rakbar alias Akbar Khan was being lynched to death in Alwar district of Rajasthan over allegations of cow smuggling.Till now, the prime minister has not once paid even lip service of expressing concern over the spate of lives lost due to lynching by private armies that have mushroomed under the rule of the BJP governments.

The DPRK-US Singapore Summit

COMING out of the historic summit that took place in Singapore on June 12, between the Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the US, the president of DPRK, Kim Jong-un declared, “The world will see a major change”. Donald Trump, US president joined, stating that “Anyone can make war, but only the most courageous can make peace!” Analysts across the world, including nay-sayers are poring through the one and half page declaration adopted in the summit and passing their judgements.

Four Years of Modi Govt: Disaster for the Urban Populace

THE BJP party which was considered to be an urban party-having more influence in the cities was supposed to address the urban issues better than its predecessors in ruling. But, four years of the BJP rule at the centre with a clear majority of its own has completely disappointed the people living in the cities.Today more than 1/3rd of the people live in urban centres. There are over 7,935 small and big towns and 468 class 1 cities. These cities are those which hold a population of above 1, 00,000.

Vice-Like Grip of India-US Relations

THE real consequences of the strategic alliance with the United States have begun unfolding. Not in the way the Modi government wanted to project it, but in a manner counterproductive to India’s national interests and security concerns. Two recent developments highlight how India’s military and strategic ties with the US are rebounding and harming our vital interests. TARGETTING IRANPresident Trump has unilaterally announced America’s withdrawal from the nuclear agreement with Iran.

Four Years of BJP Central Government

THE singular feature of the completion of four years of this BJP central government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the near complete reneging of the promises made to people in 2014, on which basis, this government assumed office through a majority of their own in the Lok Sabha. The country was promised `achhe din’. The country was promised development and prosperity.

Towards the 22nd Congress of the CPI(M)

INDIAN people are today facing unprecedented challenges.  The only way in which these challenges can be met and defeated is through a mighty people’s movement on the basis of an alternative policy framework that reverses the current disastrous policy direction in our country by ousting the present RSS/BJP government.  In advancing such people’s struggles, this 22nd Congress of the CPI(M) will be a milestone in our Party’s history.

Some Comments on the Draft National Forest Policy 2018

THIS note on behalf of the CPI(M) is to record our opposition to the main thrust of the Draft National Forest Policy 2018 which is to privatise and commercialise forests.  We see the policy document as a continuation of the unjust and pro-corporate process established by the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act (CAFA). This highly flawed law had eliminated the rights of tribal communities, other traditional forest dwellers and gram sabhas for access and management of forests and their produce.  The draft policy takes this approach even further.


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