
The Regional Consequences of Israel’s Genocidal War against the Palestinians

ISRAEL’S genocidal war – despite the case opened at the International Court of Justice – continues unabated. Hundreds of Palestinians are killed each day, many of them children. Key infrastructure – including universities and hospitals – are being bombed and demolished, as Israel lays out its future for Gaza: a region of the Occupied Palestine Territory which Israel is seeking to ethnically cleanse (there is even a plan to expel Palestinians to Rwanda, following a policy that Israel has had in place for deporting asylum seekers since 2017).

Israel’s War on Palestine and the Global Upsurge against It

HUNDREDS of millions of people, across the world, have been deeply moved by the atrocity of the Israeli war on Palestine. Millions have attended marches and protests, many of them participating in such manifestations for the first time in their lives. Social media, in almost all the world’s languages, is saturated with memes and posts about this or that terrible action.

The Mirage of “Women led” Development

THE G-20 DelhiSummit adopted an omnibus declaration which included a section on “Gender Equality and Empowering all Women and Girls”. Through 17 clauses which reiterate the importance of women’s “leadership and equal participation” in decision-making processes, the declaration resolved to set up a “working group on women’s empowerment.” Given the global reality of continuing discrimination against women and girl children, such a working group to focus specifically on steps to address such existing discriminations can only be welcome.

No-State Solution Becomes More and More Real as Israel’s Permanent Nakba Continues

Enable GingerCannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connectionor reload the browserDisable in this text fieldRephraseRephrase current sentenceEdit in Ginger×IN 1948, the Lebanese historian Constantin Zurayak used the Arabic word Nakba (catastrophe) to refer to the forced removal of Palestinians from their lands and homes by the newly formed Israeli state (in his August 1948 book, Ma’na al-Nakba or The Meaning of the Nakba).

Portugal: Fifty Years of April Revolution: A Fight to Defend its Legacy and Values

PORTUGAL is moving for snap elections after the prime minister Alberto Costa was forced to resign on the allegations of corruption. Though it was later reported that the investigative agencies were confused with the name Costa and had wrongly blamed the prime minister (instead of the finance minister Costa), the damage was done.

Portugal: Fifty Years of April Revolution: A Fight to Defend its Legacy and Values

Enable GingerCannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connectionor reload the browserDisable in this text fieldRephraseRephrase current sentenceEdit in Ginger×PORTUGAL is moving for snap elections after the prime minister Alberto Costa was forced to resign on the allegations of corruption. Though it was later reported that the investigative agencies were confused with the name Costa and had wrongly blamed the prime minister (instead of the finance minister Costa), the damage was done.

The World Does Not Want War

BOTH the wars in Ukraine and Gaza have accelerated a new mood amongst people around the world against conflict and for peace. This mood had been growing before 2022, when Russian troops entered Ukrainian territory, but has only increased since then. Faith in the west’s role in the management of world affairs declined during the pandemic, when certain older trends continued to the horror of large sections of the world.

Fifty Years of Athens Polytechnic Uprising Commemorated

ON November 17, thousands of people marched through the streets of Athens and various other cities across Greece, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Polytechnic uprising. The march in Athens started from a large square near the Polytechnic, passed in front of the Greek Parliament, and concluded at the US embassy. Every year since 1974, on November 17th each year, a march to the US embassy is held to commemorate the heroic Polytechnic uprising.

SFI-UK Conference Urges Varsities to Address Housing Issues of International Students

THE second conference of the Students Federation of India - United Kingdom unit (SFI-UK) urged the universities to ensure adequate accommodation and social security measures for international students, who are financially exploited for want of housing facilities.The conference held in Ruskin House, Croydon, on November 11, discussed the challenges faced by international students, particularly Indians arriving at different universities spread across the UK.


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