Agrarian Issues

Increase MGNREGA Allocations: Agricultural Workers Union

THE All India Agricultural Workers Union has in a statement issued on July 8, said that the poorest people in the country will not accept the manner in which the NDA government at the centre has hurt the thousands of migrant labourers driven from their villages to seek distress employment in the cities and other states, by sharply raising the passenger rail fares by over 14 % which they will not be able to afford without taking higher debts than before from local money lenders or brutal labour contractors whose criminal rates of interest are painful already.

Defeat Modi Govt’s Conspiracy to Dismantle Public Procurement Mechanism

THE Narendra Modi led NDA government is going ahead with its plans to gradually finish off the public procurement mechanism in a move which will adversely affect livelihoods of millions of farmers, seriously compromise the food security of the nation as well as mean further increase in food grain prices for the masses. The ministry of consumer affairs, food and public distribution has issued a letter to states regarding change in policy of procurement for the central pool. This will dismantle even the present weak public procurement as well as the price support system to India’s farmers.

AIKS Condemns Unfair Kharif MSPs

THE All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) has condemned the Narendra Modi led government for deceiving the millions of toiling peasantry by announcing unremunerative and unfair minimum support prices (MSP) for the kharif crops for the crop season 2014-15. The statement which the AIKS president Amra Ram and general secretary Hannan Mollah issued on June 26 recalled how Narendra Modi had made tall claims and promised that farmers would be given MSP which would be not less than 50 percent over and above the cost of production.

AIKS Condemns Dole to Sugar Barons

THROUGH a statement issued from New Delhi on June 23, the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) condemned the latest decision of the Narendra Modi led government to appease the sugar lobby by doling out further benefits to them without any concrete action to ensure that the lobby clears the arrears due to the cane farmers which, by the government’s own admission, is as high as 110 billion rupees or 1.84 billion US dollars.

Announced MSPs Betrayal of Farmers: AIKS

ON June 5, Vijoo Krishnan, joint secretary of the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS), attended the meeting of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) at Krishi Bhavan in New Delhi; the meeting was called for formulation of the price policy for rabi crops of 2014-15, to be marketed during the 2015-16 season. The AIKS emphasised the importance of remunerative pricing for providing incentive to the distressed peasantry in the country. Control on the input prices and freezing of fertiliser prices to pre-nutrient based subsidy (NBS) levels was sought.

AIKS on Save Environment, Save Agriculture Day

THE All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) has urged upon the entire Indian peasantry and the people at large to observe June 5, 2014, the World Environment Day, as the ‘Save Environment, Save Agriculture Day’ as a mark of opposition against the dire environmental consequences of corporate driven capitalist development and its impact on agriculture and industry all over the world. 

GM Trials: AIKS Opposes Hasty Decision

THE All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) has condemned the decision of the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) to revalidate the field trials for ten varieties of genetically modified (GM) food crops as well as other crops in a hasty manner despite serious concerns expressed by wide sections. This decision is a bonanza given on the eve of the Lok Sabha elections to the Indian and multinational agribusinesses, and reeks of corrupt intentions. It is undemocratic and in violation of the Election Commission’s guidelines as well.

AIKS to Work against UPA, NDA

MEETING at New Delhi on March 2, 2014, the office bearers of the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) discussed the state of the peasantry in India and the agrarian crisis that has been intensifying under the Congress-led UPA as well as in various states ruled by the BJP and its NDA allies. The AIKS decided to work for the defeat of the anti-peasant, anti-people and corrupt Congress-led UPA as well as the BJP-led NDA. It will also unite the peasantry against divisive communal propaganda of the BJP, RSS and their allies.

AIKS Organises March to Parliament

HUNDREDS of peasants from the states neighbouring Delhi marched to parliament on February 18 demanding remunerative prices for their produce, settlement of arrears of sugarcane farmers, against dilution of APMC Act and other related matters. A delegation including Basudeb Acharia, Saidul Haque, Hannan Mollah, Amra Ram and others submitted a detailed memorandum on the demands to the agriculture minister after the march.


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