Agrarian Issues

Massive Rally against Land Acquisition Ordinance

THE Bhoomi Adhikar Sangharsh Rally on May 5, 2015 saw thousands of peasants, agricultural workers, adivasis and toiling masses marching to the parliament with the demand that the Land Acquisition Ordinance 2015 be fully scrapped and warned the BJP-led government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi that they will not allow the loot of land and deliberate destruction of peasant agriculture.

Peasants March to Parliament on May 5

THE countrywide joint struggle of the peasantry against the Land Acquisition Ordinance is the first largest political ordeal faced by the eleven month old National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government. The entire parties in the opposition have been cooperating and taking up independent agitations over this issue based movement. The joint march to Rashtrapathi Bhawan highlighted the unity of opposition on the issue.

PM’s ‘Mann Ki Baat’: A Bundle of Lies

The following is the statement issued by the All India Kisan Sabha on March 25, 2015.THE All India Kisan Sabha condemns the callous attitude of the prime minister towards the massive wave of protests against the Land Acquisition Act Amendment Bill 2015 across the country. The prime minister through his ‘Mann Ki Baat’ sought to convey a distorted picture on the new amendments to the Land Acquisition Act by twisting facts. The prime minister in effect has misused the official media to spread lies and mislead the farmers.

Agricultural Workers March to Karnataka Assembly

THOUSANDS of agricultural workers marched from Bangalore City Railway Station to Freedom Park and staged a dharna on February 10 demanding proper implementation of MGNREGA, budgetary allocation for a welfare fund for agricultural workers, allocation of house sites to agricultural workers, and regularisation of unauthorised cultivation of government lands by the landless poor.

Defeat Modi Govt’s Conspiracy against Farmers

THOUSANDS of farmers, agricultural workers, tribals, landless peasants and fishermen thronged the national capital to express their anger against the Modi government’s conspiracy to snatch their livelihood forever, by promulgating the ordinance amending the Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation Act, 2013. They converged at Parliament Street demanding withdrawal of the ordinance at once. The capital city heard their battle cry against the black ordinance, to repeal the ordinance. The protestors were carrying flags of different colours - red, green, blue and white.

AP Govt Should Constitute Social Security Fund

THE All India Agricultural Workers Union (AIAWU) demanded an immediate amendment to the Capital Region Development Authority (CREDA) which was constituted through an Act during the last week of December 2014 in order to facilitate the pooling of land required for construction of a new capital for the residual Andhra Pradesh. Addressing a press conference at Guntur, after interacting with a cross section of people in different villages, AIAWU CWC member Veeraiah Konduri condemned the TDP government’s going back on the promises.

ODISHA: Thousands Organise Under the Red Flag For Land & Dignity of Life

IT took nearly 24 hours from Bhubaneswar by rail and road to reach Nawarangpur district headquarters. The journey took eight hours more than required due to an extraordinary situation prevalent in this part of the world. The Maoists had found an innovative way of fighting American Imperialism-to blow up railway tracks that link these rich regions filled with poor people to the other parts of Odisha. The express train was literally being dragged to Damanjodi in Koraput district from where we were to proceed by road.

Worrying rise in farmers’ suicides in Telangana

ALL India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) notes with great concern the horrific rise in the incidents of farmers' suicides in the country. Farmer suicide is a post-liberalisation phenomenon. It started and has intensified since 1995. Neo-liberal economic policies pursued by successive governments led to devastating changes in the country’s agricultural policy. As a result, public investment in agriculture gradually declined. Newly-adopted fertiliser policy caused the closure of public sector manufacturers and dependence on import which resulted in continuous increase in its prices.

Kisan Sabhas to Protest Against Land Acquisition Ordinance on Jan 30

The following is the press statement issued by the All India Kisan Sabha on January 23, 2015THE central kisan committee of the All India Kisan Sabha was held at Hyderabad on January 22. The meeting noted that the last six months has seen the unfolding of the enormous betrayal of the people’s mandate by the BJP government. One by one the government has been implementing policies that have increased the burden on the masses. The hard-won rights of the peasantry and rural poor as well as the toiling masses are being systematically curtailed.


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