Agrarian Issues

Punjab Holds State Conference of Agricultural Workers Union

THE 28th state conference of the Punjab Agriculture Worker’s Union was held from December 11-13, 2014 in Khankhana village in Jalandhar district to commemorate the first conference of the agricultural workers of Punjab that took place in 1954 from December 11-13, during which the Dehati Mazdoor Sabha was formed with Comrade Darshan Singh Jhabbal elected as the president and Comrade Pundit Bakshi Ram as general secretary.

Oppose Authoritarian Anti-People Land Acquisition Ordinance

THE All India Kisan Sabha, in a statement issued on December 31 has condemned the BJP government’s undemocratic move to amend the Land Acquisition legislation through an ordinance by subverting the parliament. The move smacks of authoritarianism and is clearly aimed to promote profiteering and real estate speculation by the corporates and land mafia. It further dilutes the existing Act which itself was flawed and loaded heavily against interests of the peasantry, land owners and dependents on land. The ordinance ignores genuine concerns of farmers and millions of persons dependent on land.

TELANGANA: Left Parties Launch Bus Jathas to Study Farmers’ Suicides

TEN Left and communist parties of Telangana have launched two bus jathas that traversed across the state of Telangana highlighting the need for immediate measures from the state government to prevent the spate of farmer suicides. Ever since the new state came into existence on June 2 this year, over 450 farmers took their lives in Telangana. The Left parties have declared that both private loans and the policies of the government are responsible for these suicides.

AIAWU Opposes Anti-People Policies of Centre, Curtailing of MGNREGA

THE Central Working Committee of the All India Agricultural Workers Union (AIAWU) met at the SM Joshi Foundation in Pune, Maharashtra from November 11 to 12. The Union represents the largest number of organised agricultural labour in the country and expressed its concern over the NDA government’s anti-people policies in cutting down all types of security of the mass of people in employment, food and social services for the rural poor.

Save FCI, Save PDS

FOOD Corporation of India (FCI) is a crucial public sector undertaking in respect of public distribution system (PDS). FCI was formed in 1964 and its main objectives were to procure food grains directly from the farmers, supply them for PDS distribution and for maintaining price stability during scarcity. Despite its immense importance, the BJP-led government at the Centre is hell bent on its privatisation.

Problems of Jute Cultivation and Jute Industry

JUTE is the oldest cash crop of eastern India. It is a natural coarse fibre, made from the stems of a tropical plant and used for making rope/yard and woven into sacking, hessian, etc. Raw jute, as it is known in trade, comprises jute and mesta fibres. Jute fibre is obtained from two plants species, such as Corchorus Capsylaris (white jute) and Corchorus Otitoruus (tossa jute). The plant species Hibiscus sabdariffa var, altissima yield mesta fibres. Besides, there is another type of fibre known as bimli but not in the same species of jute.

AIKS Condemns Brutal Attack on Its leaders by TMC Goons in Bengal

The All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) has issued the following statement on October 18.

THE Paschim Banga Krishak Sabha has conducted an intense jatha campaign from October 15-19 in Bengal and reached out to the peasantry spread across over 38,000 villages with a ten-point demand charter and mobilised them in protest against the anti-peasant policies of the BJP-led central government and the TMC-led state government.

Kisan Jathas Reach 30,000 Villages in Bengal

KISAN jathas, organised by the West Bengal Provincial Krishak Sabha (AIKS), traversed through nearly 30,000 villages for five days, interacting with people, raising burning issues and building the confidence for greater struggle in the days to come. This was a unique programme with thousands of activists of peasant movement participating and thousands others attended. On their way, the jathas braved terror, intimidation and direct attack.

AIKS Protests against Import of Natural Rubber & Fall in Its Prices

THE All India Kisan Sabha, in a statement issued on October 12 has strongly protested against the import of natural rubber that causes fall in rubber prices and brings havoc in the life of around ten lakh rubber producer households especially in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Goa and North Eastern states. The average price of natural rubber in 2010-11 was Rs 240 per Kilogram. In the last three years it has come down heavily and now stands at Rs 110 per kilogram and small farmers are selling for Rs 95 per kilogram.


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