Agrarian Issues

AIKS & AIAWU Demand Relief Work on War Footing

THE All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) and All India Agricultural Workers Union (AIAWU), in a statement issued in December 2, have expressed profound grief at the death of around 200 people in continuing heavy rains in Tamil Nadu, particularly in the northern and coastal districts. The rains have broken a hundred year record for the month of November and created havoc in Chennai and other coastal cities. Houses, roads, railway stations and even the airport are submerged.  Life has come to a standstill.

Rubber Growers Co-ordination Committee Calls for Protests on Jan 2

IN the context of prolonging crisis due to declining commodity price, and rising peasant suicides, rubber farmers from four major rubber producing states held parliament march and dharna at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on December 1. The farmers demanded the parliament to enact law to protect the small and marginal rubber growers from corporate exploitation. The dharna was inaugurated by Hannan Mollah, ex-MP and general secretary of the AIKS.

Massive Rally of Peasants to be Held in New Delhi on Feb 24

WHEN BJP won the 2014 Lok Sabha elections with an absolute majority, the corporate media illustrated it as a personal victory of Narendra Modi as the emerging national leader who will remain as the unquestionable centre of power for decades to come.  But now after merely one-and-a-half years under his governance, the people across the country conceive the truth that only because of the absolute majority in Lok Sabha, the BJP-led NDA may remain in power up to its five year term, otherwise Modi as the prime minister has proved to be a liability than an asset for the BJP in national politics.H

AIKS opposes FDI in Agriculture, Animal Husbandry & Plantation

THE AIKS strongly opposes the decision of the Narendra Modi government to allow 100 percent Foreign Direct Investment in 15 sectors of the economy including agriculture, animal husbandry and plantations. In a statement issued on November 12, it said that this move in the long run will harm the sovereign rights of the country and make it subservient to world imperialism.

Parliament Dharna of Rubber Growers on Dec 1

The following is the press statement released by the All India Kisan Sabha on November 10.

IN the background of continuing crash of prices of natural rubber and the failure of the Modi government to protect the farmers from market exploitation, rubber growers from major rubber growing states will organise a parliament dharna in front of parliament on December 1, 2015. AIKS general secretary Hannan Mollah will inaugurate the dharna.

AIKS Raises Concern over GM Mustard

THE All India Kisan Sabha, in a statement issued on November 6 notes with concern the reports that an application for approval for commercialisation of GM Mustard has been moved with the apex regulatory body GEAC (Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee) in the ministry of environment, forests & climate change. AIKS demands that the government come clear on the facts of the case in a transparent manner. Bio-safety and bio-diversity should not be compromised in any manner.

AIAWU & BKMU Condemn Growing Atrocities on Dalits

The following is the statement issued by the All India Agricultural Workers Union and the Bharatiya Khet Mazdoor Union, on October 24.                                                                                                        THE growing atrocities on dalits all over the country have become a matter of the gravest concern today. The number of murders have risen from 570 in 2010 to 744 in 2014. Rapes have increased from 511 in 2010 to 2,233 in 2014.

Fight Corporate Land Grab and Plunder of Resources

THE All India Kisan Sabha, in a statement issued on October 17, has condemned the blatant efforts of the BJP government in Gujarat to facilitate corporate land-grab and provide legal sanction to illegal land transactions. Amendments to Gujarat Agricultural Lands Ceiling Act and Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Law will lead to drastic alteration of land use and surplus government land can now be allotted to corporates on the pretext of “public purpose”.

All India Convention of Rubber Growers Gives Call for Parliament Dharna on November 25

THE first one-day All India Convention of small and marginal rubber growers was held on 29th September, 2015 at Kottayam in Kerala -- the most concentrated region of rubber growers in India. The convention has given a call to organise rubber cultivators all over the country and initiate persistent struggles against the neoliberal attack on agriculture and the peasantry.BackgroundThe convention was held at a time when the rubber growers are engulfed by persistent crisis due to a steep fall in commodity price of natural rubber world over.


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