Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Bihar Govt’s Operation ‘Dakhal Dehani’ Has Become ‘Operation Eviction’

THE dastardly bomb attack on a peaceful dharna before Runni Saidpur block headquarter, which claimed the life of Brinda Sahni and left Anaro Devi, a widow, critically injured, has once again proved that the land mafias having open patronage of the ruling parties are hand-in-glove with the local administration in evicting the landless people who have been living on government and ceiling lands for years together.The Party has already fought a decisive battle in Moglaha village of Madhubani district where the entire hamlet was razed to the ground but after a protracted four-month struggle, th

WEST BENGAL: Two-day March of Determination in Terror Zone

IN another show of defiance, thousands of people joined a two day march in one of the worst terrorised areas of West Bengal. With TMC coming to power in 2011, the entire stretch of Arambagh-Tarakeswar-Goghat in Hooghly district, has turned into terror zone. The area in Hooghly-Bankura border witnessed series of attacks on Left activists and supporters. Almost all CPI(M) and Left parties offices were forcibly closed. Many such offices were seized by the ruling party. Hundreds of houses were attacked and a large number of Left cadres and supporters were forced to leave their living places.

Bangladesh Garment Workers Strike: One Dead, 50 Injured

THOUSANDS of Bangladeshi garment workers churning out clothes for top global brands went on strike on January 13 and clashed with police as protests over low wages entered a second week.Police said water cannons and tear gas were fired to disperse huge crowds of striking factory workers in Savar, a garment hub just outside the capital Dhaka.So far 52 factories, including some big ones, have shut down operations due to the protests.One worker was killed on January 8 and 50 others injured, after police fired rubber bullets and tear gas at some 5,000 protesting workers.Bangladesh is dependent

PB Statements

The Communist Party of India (Marxist) Polit Bureau has issued the following statements PMs Statement: Atrocious & CondemnableTHE Prime Minister has stated in a public meeting at Kollam in Kerala that the stand of the LDF government on the Sabarimala issue is “shameful”. This statement is atrocious and highly condemnable. He is admonishing an elected government for implementing the judgement of the Supreme Court.Modi forgot that he had taken oath on the Constitution of India and he spoke as an RSS pracharak not as the prime minister.

The Week in Parliament

CPI(M) leader P Karunakaran raised the Sabarimala issue in the zero hour . He said it is a historical verdict because it  is to protect the right of the citizens especially the rights of women to go to the temple. Not only we, Uma Bharati, Subramanian Swamy, Maneka Gandhi and many other BJP leaders and the Congress leaders have upheld this verdict. The Congress high command also must disclose their stand on the SC verdict about the rights of all women to go to the temple. The government of Kerala has to protect and keep the verdict.

The Paris Commune-27

ON July 19, 1870, war broke out between France and Prussia. The ruling classes of both countries had long been secretly preparing for it. Marx had long foreseen that the adventurer Napoleon III and the Prussian Junker Bismarck, who was bent on unifying Germany “by blood and iron”, would embark on policies leading to an armed conflict.The Bonaparte Government hoped that military victories would help to bolster its regime and enable it to weather the deep international political crisis.

Overwhelming response to two-day strike in the country

WEST BENGAL WEST Bengal witnessed militant strike struggle on January 8-9, as part of the national strike call. There was intensive campaign for nearly one month. Trade unions, Kisan and agricultural worker’s organisations and other mass organisations campaigned from their own platforms. 17 Left and allied parties supported strike call. Hundreds of small meetings, street corner, gate and market meetings were held, explaining demands of the strike. Innovative style of campaign was also adopted; like, a ‘ticket” of train of “no journey”, distributed by SFI-DYFI.

Raksha Mantri on HAL & Rafale: Misdirection and Alternative Facts

RAKSHA Mantri Nirmala Sitharaman’s long and tortured statements in the Lok Sabha on January 4 and 7, 2019 during the debate on the Rafale scandal followed the by now well-established pattern of the government’s, and her own, responses to the storm of criticism and charges against the Modi government. These charges were made by a wide range of defence experts, other commentators, eminent concerned citizens and opposition political parties.

Meanwhile in Tripura

Madhab Barri: An incident of State sponsored terrorON January 8, as the working class of the country was on its  first day of a 48 hour strike against the anti people and anti worker policies of the Modi government,  NESO, a platform of indigenous student organisations too called a strike in the states of Northeast opposing the citizenship amendment bill placed in the parliament by Modi government.  A section of tribal youth resorted to picketing of  the national highway at Madhabbari of Jirania subdivision, West Tripura.  Police used force to vacate the road.  They used wa


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