Working Class Issues

Desperate to Privatise Air India

THE CENTRE of Indian Trade Unions(CITU) denounces desperate move of the BJP government to completely privatise the national carrier, Air India by way of divesting its entire shareholding in favour of a chosen single buyer in the “shortest possible time available”, obviously this is going to be a distress sale.The desperateness of the government in a selling spree, of all national assets has arisen out of its failure to privatise Air India through sale of 76 per cent government shareholding during its previous regime.

BSNLEU Demands Disbursement of August Salary

BSNL Employees Union has issued the following statement on September 2THE BSNL management has once again failed to disburse salary to its employees for the month of August 2019. It is regrettable to note that the management is not even able to tell the employees, as to when this salary disbursement will take place. This is the third time in this year, that the BSNL management is unable to disburse salary to its employees on time.

Oppose Bank Mergers

THE BANK Employees Federation of India(BEFI) has strongly condemned the decision of the union government to merge 10 public sector banks(PSBs) into four.The country has just observed 50 years of bank nationalisation when the entire country recollected the yeomen service provided by the PSBs for the nation as well as its people. The PSBs gave the Indian economy a strong foundation.

Defence Strike Deferred

THE strike of the defence employees has been deferred/postponed by the three major unions and Confederation of Defence Recognised Association (CDRA) that were spearheading it. On August 23, a meeting with secretary, defence production, was held in which this decision was taken to postpone the strike on the assurance given by the government through the secretary.

Central Trade Unions Congratulate Defense Employees

THE Central Trade Unions (CTUs) – INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, TUCC, SEWA, AICCTU, LPF, UTUC, in a statement issued on August 23, have congratulated the defense employees for the successful strike from August 20 in  all the industrial, non-industrial (clerical, office staff) defense production units. Junior officers, charge hands have walked out of 41 ordnance factories (OF). The strike was against the Modi government’s plans to corporatise and then to privatise the ordnance factories.

Defence Employees’ Historic Strike

82,000 defence employees working in the 41 ordnance factories of our country started one month strike on August 20. More than 40,000 contract workers have also joined the strike. The strike started as scheduled at 6 o’clock in the morning on August 20, 2019, despite the threats by the government. The defence employees have only one demand – ‘Withdraw the unilateral decision taken to corporatise the ordnance factories in violation of the agreement and assurances given by the government of India’.

Working Class Denounces Anti-Labour Reforms of BJP Govt

WORKING class across the country held protest demonstrations on August 2, 2019 at the call of the joint trade union platform demanding reversal of the anti- worker ‘reforms’ of the labour laws.It is to be recalled that soon after coming to power in the recent parliament elections, the BJP government declared its intention to hasten the so-called ‘reforms’ process.


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