
PM Flagrantly Violates the MCC

CPI(M) Polit Bureau member, Nilotpal Basu,  has written to the chief election commissioner, Election Commission of India on April 16, regarding Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s remarks on Sabarimala temple, in his election rallies, aiming at communal polarisation. Referring to an instance of flagrant violation of the model code of conduct (MCC) by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself, Basu pointed out that the atmosphere is being vitiated in the election campaign by importing polarising issues.

Stop Poll Atmosphere from Being Vitiated

CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Nilotpal Basu, has written to the chief election commissioner, Election Commission of India on April 9, regarding certain brazen violations of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) by the prime minister, Narendra Modi and by the cabinet minister of Assam, Himanta Biswas Sharma. Modi is also violating the specific direction of the Election Commission to refrain from invoking the armed forces for seeking votes.On April 9, Modi has asked first time voters to dedicate their votes to those who carried out the air strike in Balakot.

Brazen Violations of Model Code of Conduct

CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Nilotpal Basu has written to the chief election commissioner, Election Commission of India on April 4 regarding certain brazen violations of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) by the leadership of the ruling BJP party and by the public funded broadcasters.He wrote that with these series of continuing violations and no significant deterrent from the Election Commission of India (ECI) on evidence so far, the confidence of the people over the holding of a free and fair poll is coming under a cloud.

Reply to EC’s Letter

SITARAM Yechury, general secretary of Communist Party of India (Marxist) has written a reply to the letter from the chief election commissioner, Election Commission of India on March 30, on the issue of Prime Minister’s address to the nation.  A letter dated March 29, 2019 signed by the principal secretary, Election Commission of India, was received by Yechury regarding the complaint he had made of the prime minister’s address to the nation as being violative of the model code of conduct.The ECI has accepted the findings of a Commission constituted by it to examine this issue.

Ensure Free & Fair Polls in Tripura

CPI(M) Polit Bureau member, Nilotpal Basu, has written to the chief election commissioner, Election Commission of India on March 29 regarding various issues, including attacks on candidates by the ruling party in Tripura.  He drew the attention of the CEC to the letter written by the CPI(M) candidate Shankar Prasad Dutta, from 1- Tripura West parliamentary constituency to the CEC dated March 28, 2019.Basu said that it is quite apparent that the interaction of the delegation led by the Party general secretary, Sitaram Yechury with the Commission, has not been able to evoke any tangible respo

Reply to EC’s Letter

SITARAM Yechury, general secretary of Communist Party of India (Marxist) has written a reply to the letter from the chief election commissioner, Election Commission of India on March 30, on the issue of Prime Minister’s address to the nation.  A letter dated March 29, 2019 signed by the principal secretary, Election Commission of India, was received by Yechury regarding the complaint he had made of the prime minister’s address to the nation as being violative of the model code of conduct.The ECI has accepted the findings of a Commission constituted by it to examine this issue.

Modi is Rattled and Desperate

ON March 27, Sitaram Yechury, general secretary of Communist Party of India (Marxist) has written to the Chief Election Commissioner, Election Commission of India drawing his attention to the announcement made by prime minister through an address to the nation on the achievements of Indian scientists. Sitaram has written that the address is a violation of the model code of conduct. He has expressed his utmost displeasure and asked whether the election commission was informed of such an address.

Don’t Stifle BSNL, Allow Fair Competition and Release Salaries of its Employees

THE failure of the BJP government does not demand big data to reveal the truth. The recent video of a BSNL employee crying for not being paid salary for 3 consecutive months has gone viral. It is not an isolate incident rather speaks volumes of how a public sector is stifled under the Modi rule. The BSNL has not paid salary to its 1.68 lakh workers and officers for the month of February 2019. The management has stated that owing to extreme resource crunch, such a situation has arisen.

CPI(M) Leader Writes to PM on Eviction of Adivasis

THE Supreme Court issued written orders that were made public on February 20, to evict all adivasis and traditional forest dwellers from forest land whose claims have not been accepted. These orders came on the petition Wild Life First vs Ministry of Forest and Environment, (Writ petition(s) Civil No(s) 109/2008, order dated 13-2-2019) which challenged the Forest Rights Act itself. At present according to the latest figures available (December 2018) of the 42.19 lakh claims made only 18.89 lakh claims have been accepted.


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