
Don’t Discriminate in Compensation

ON January 6, Brinda Karat, Member, Polit Bureau of Communist Party of India (Marxist) wrote a letter to the chief minister of Delhi urging him to give compensation to the families of minor victims who were killed in the communal violence in north east Delhi.Brinda Karat said that she recently re-met the family members of two victims, both minors, who were killed in the communal violence in north east Delhi. She said: “they informed me of the discrimination in the compensation given for the killing of a minor in the government’s ‘compensation package’ scheme.

NEP and Reservations

CPI(M) general secretary, Sitaram Yechury, has addressed a letter to prime minister Narendra Modi on November 23, seeking his response to the following questions: does NEP 2020 seek to end the policy of reservations for SC, ST, OBC and disabled in educational institutions? If not, the prime minister should clarify as to why NEP 2020 does not contain any mention of reservations.Yechury said, when the new National Education Policy was initially proposed by the government, the CPI(M) had opposed it in the parliament, for several important reasons.

DELHI: Disturbing Incidents in Shiv Vihar

CPI(M) Polit-Bureau member Brinda Karat reported to the police about disturbing incidents wherein groups of young men have taken to roaming around after dark shouting slogans like ‘Jai Shri Ram’, ‘Har Har Mahadev’ and so on, not related to any religious function, in Shiv Vihar of North Delhi.She expressed concern that these incidents could have harmful consequences as this was the area where minority communities were attacked, homes burnt and families were forced to take shelter in relief camps.

DELHI: Disturbing Incidents in Shiv Vihar

CPI(M) Polit-Bureau member Brinda Karat reported to the police about disturbing incidents wherein groups of young men have taken to roaming around after dark shouting slogans like ‘Jai Shri Ram’, ‘Har Har Mahadev’ and so on, not related to any religious function, in Shiv Vihar of North Delhi.She expressed concern that these incidents could have harmful consequences as this was the area where minority communities were attacked, homes burnt and families were forced to take shelter in relief camps.

CPI(M) Writes to Railway Minister against Eviction of Slum Dwellers

CPI(M) Polit Bureau member, Brinda Karat, wrote to Piyush Goyal, minister for railways, on September 4, bringing to his notice the potential public health disaster in evicting lakhs of jhuggi dwellers in Delhi during the Covid-19 pandemic.She reminded the minister that the Delhi High Court in its judgement last year had directed that arrangements for rehabilitation must be made in the event of relocation being required.

On Digital Election Campaign & Election Funding

Below we publish the letter addressed to Sunil Arora, chief election commissioner, Election Commission of India by CPI(M) general secretary, Sitaram Yechury, on August 17, on the proposal of digital election campaign and the election funding.AT the outset, we would like to acknowledge the fact that the ECI has put aside its earlier decision to the exercise of franchise through postal ballots to all voters above the age of 64 to abeyance in course of the Bihar assembly election.

Modalities for Holding Bihar Elections

ON July 29, Nilotpal Basu, Polit Bureau member of CPI(M), had written a letter to the Election Commission of India expressing CPI(M)’s views in response to their letter dated July 17, 2020 seeking opinions on the modalities to be followed for holding elections to Bihar assembly.“Taking into account the conditions imposed by the pandemic and the safety requirements, according the highest priority to the safety of people’s lives, we want the Election Commission to ensure conditions that permit elections to be held on the basis of physical participation of the voters and the political parties.

CPI(M) Opposes ECI's Unilateral Decision on Postal Ballots

CPI(M) general secretary, Sitaram Yechury, wrote a letter to the chief election commissioner, Sunil Arora on June 29, objecting to the unilateral measures being taken by the Election Commission, altering electoral procedures, without consulting political parties.Yechury wrote, “We are greatly disturbed by the media reports that the Election Commission of India (ECI) bypassing the established practice of consulting political parties, is unilaterally initiating measures to provide voters aged over 64 years, the use of postal ballots.”It has been reported that in response to the request from t

Inhuman Treatment of Detenues in Bhima Koregaon case

CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Brinda Karat has written to union home minister Amit Shah against the inhuman treatment meted out to the political and human rights activists arrested in connection with the Bhima Koregaon case.In her letter on June 21, Karat said, “Even though nine of the 11 arrested have been incarcerated for two years which is more than enough time for investigation, the NIA has been consistently opposing bail applications.


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