economic policy & Labour

Mathematics of Viksit Bharat

A HUGE campaign is going on across the country about India aspiring to become a developed country in 2047. There is nothing wrong in targeting something big with a hope that even if it fails, we could reach somewhere near to what had been the goal. However, the goal shouldn’t be so unrealistic that people think it infeasible in the first place. India is currently the fastest growing economy in the world and there is possibility of relatively high growth being maintained in India over the coming years compared to global average.

Neoliberalism, Impoverishment and Welfare Schemes

THE capitals of the world seem to be sounding different. Apparently, there has been a shift from ‘methodological individualism’ to ‘methodological nationalism’. It is now less about free market and competition and more about protecting political and economic boundaries. Those both on the right and neo-left who were not able to see the State in the mystified neoclassical imagery of market are taken aback by the entry of Trump coming loud and clear talking about tariffs, illegal immigrants, jobs of their own workers and industrial policy.

Union Budget: Rebates for the Well-off; Cuts for the Majority

THE finance minister presented the budget for the FY 2025-26 in the context of a slowing down of growth, rising inequality, lack of private investment together with declining growth of government investment, depleting foreign exchange reserves and declining growth of exports. The growth of consumption expenditure continues to be low as real wage and earnings are eroded due to episodes of high food inflation.

Eternal Capitalist Appeal: Work More but Earn Less

ONCE again, a moral appeal of extending working hours to ninety hours a week has been proposed by L&T chairman resonating the need for extending working week to 70 hours proposed by Narayan Murthy last year. Workers should work more and preferably on Sundays to achieve higher growth and be on the top of the world. This is being floated when India is one of the most unequal countries in the world. Capitalists always vouch for higher efforts from the workers while being silent on the issue of return.

Changing Patterns of Consumption Expenditure

THE National Statistical Office has recently released the fact sheet of Household Consumption Expenditure Survey 2023-24. It is the second survey report of the annual series that begun in 2022-23 after a long gap since the 68th Round Consumption Expenditure Survey released by the government in 2011-12. The government seems to be comfortable to release this report this time as the Monthly Per Capita Consumption Expenditure (MPCE) has increased from Rs 3,773 in 2022-23 to Rs 4,122 in 2023-24 in rural India and from Rs 6,459 to Rs 6,996 in urban India respectively.

Waged and Unwaged Work in Capitalism

CAPITALIST accumulation entails a combination of waged and unwaged work involved in production and social reproduction. Production of goods and services must be supported by a process of social reproduction that refers to producing the labour power required for production.Capitalism is defined as a system of generalised commodity production which includes commodification of labour power.

Socialism: An Imperative Call for Human Existence and Civilisation

SOCIALISM is premised on the idea of fundamental inversion of the labour process that exists in capitalist societies. In capitalism, the worker is subject to the condition of production where the worker is alienated from the means of production, the process of production and the outcomes of productive process. This is articulated through the crude division between mental and physical labour and the worker is supposed to follow the rules of capital relations which naturalises this separation.

Climate Politics and Class

THE climate crisis that the humanity faces has been addressed by bourgeoisie theorists as a non-class issue to be resolved either by restraining consumption or by internalising climate costs in prices that disfavours polluters. The presumption for such theories is that individual consumption patterns involve increasing use of energy and particularly fossil fuel and to restrict carbon emissions climate action calls for restricting consumption.Tax on polluters and subsidizing green goods alters the price signals in the market and facilitates ecologically sustainable consumption habits.


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