
Twentieth National Congress of CPC Opens in Beijing

THE highly anticipated 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) opened on the morning of October 16 at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.Xi Jinping delivered to the Congress a report titled "Hold High the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Strive in Unity to Build a Modern Socialist Country in All Respects." He pointed out, the 20th CPC National Congress is a meeting of great importance.

An Election of Historical Significance in Brazil

ON October 2, 2022, nearly 156 million Brazilians (out of 212 million) went to the ballot box to elect a new president, new governors, and new federal and state legislatures. Thousands of candidates went from one end of the country to the other to galvanise the population to vote for different visions of the country. The divergent possibilities of Brazil’s future were captured at the presidential level, where eleven candidates from a range of political traditions vied to lead the country.

Four Straight Years of Nonstop Street Protest in Haiti

A CYCLE of protests began in Haiti in July 2018, and, despite the pandemic, has carried on since then. The core reason for the protest in 2018 was that in March of that year the government of Venezuela, due to the illegal sanctions imposed by the United States, could no longer ship discounted oil to Haiti through the PetroCaribe scheme. Fuel prices soared by up to 50 per cent. On August 14, 2018, filmmaker Gilbert Mirambeau Jr. tweeted a photograph of himself blindfolded and holding a sign that read, “Kot Kòb Petwo Karibe a???” (Where did the PetroCaribe money go?).

The Detritus of the War on Iraq

A WAVE of protests swept Iraq in 2019. The sit-downs and marches took place for reasons familiar to people who were protesting at that time in far-off Colombia and Indonesia. The people were frustrated by what appeared to be a permanent economic catastrophe for their budgets, the absolute failure of the administration to meet their needs, and the political sectarianism that blocked any progress out of the gridlock set in place due to the US invasion and occupation of 2003. The government used terrible force against the protestors, including the assassination of several movement leaders.

Brazil: The Most Important Election in the Americas

LUÍZ Inácio Lula da Silva (known as Lula) runs about the stage. He is a man with a great deal of energy. He is telling the story of his time in Iran, when he tried to mediate the conflict imposed on that country by the United States over its nuclear energy policy. Lula, and his foreign affairs minister Celso Amorim, had managed to secure a deal in 2010 that would have prevented the ongoing pressure campaign that Washington conducts against Tehran. There was relief in the air. Then, Lula said, ‘Obama pissed outside the pot’.

US Ignites Taiwan through Pelosi’s Visit

ONE China policy, a policy that recognises Taiwan as an integral part of China is almost universally accepted, including by the US. Not only the governments, but most of the political parties in the world also accept this principle. Hence, irrespective of who wins or loses in elections in their respective countries, the foreign policies of the governments reflect this acceptance to One China policy. In India too, all the major political forces have recognised the One China policy.

Latin America’s Fourth Left Wave Since the Cuban Revolution is Social Democratic

ON August 7, 2022, Colombia will have a new president (Gustavo Petro) and a vice president (Francia Márquez), both stalwarts of the country’s left-wing movements. They will form the first left government since the country won its independence in 1810. Two months later, on October 2, the people of Brazil will vote in the first round of their presidential elections.

The Advances of the Cuban Revolution

PALPITE, Cuba, is just a few miles away from Playa Girón, along the Bay of Pigs, where the United States attempted to overthrow the Cuban Revolution in 1961. Down a modest street in a small building with a Cuban flag and a large picture of Fidel Castro near the front door, Dr Dayamis Gómez La Rosa sees patients from 8 am to 5 pm. In fact, that is an inaccurate sentence. Dr Dayamis, like most primary care doctors in Cuba, lives above the clinic that she runs.


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