
Iranian Elections: ‘Democracy’ Within the Framework of Theocracy

THE presidential elections in Iran on May 19 saw the re-election of President Hassan Rouhani for a second term of office. As was widely expected by most Iranian observers, this was the most convenient outcome for the theocratic regime in Tehran. The election, from the opening of nominations, the vetting of candidates, the televised debates, during a three-week-long campaign, followed the normal practice of a carefully state-managed show.

Fourteenth Congress of the SACP Held Successfully

THE 14th Congress of the South African Communist Party (SACP) held in Birchwood Conference Centre, Ekurhuleni, near Pretoria from July 10-15, 2017 was a resounding success.  The key slogan was: `Defend, Advance, Deepen the National Democratic Revolution and the Vanguard Role of the SACP’.  The key task focused by the party was to anchor its medium term strategic outlook around driving a second and more radical phase of the transition in the country with the demonopolisation of the economy of South Africa. One of the core points of the debate in the SACP Congress was the future of t

New War Clouds over Syria

WITH the Daesh (Islamic State) in retreat and the Syrian army and allied militias advancing all over Syria to recapture national territory, the Americans and their proxy forces have also started redoubling their efforts to foil Syrian reunification. The Syrian army, supported by the Russian air force is advancing towards Raqqa, the “capital” of the self proclaimed Islamic State. Mosul has been declared a liberated city in the second week of July by the Iraqi prime minister, Haider al Abadi. The city has been reduced to rubble with thousands killed and tens of thousands more made homeless.

CPI(M) Greets SACP on its 14th National Congress

Below we publish the CPI(M) message of greetings to the 14th Congress of the South African Communist Party. MA Baby, Polit Bureau member and head of the International Department of CPI(M) has attended the Congress which was held from July 10-15, 2017 in Pretoria.Comrades,We are today staring at a world where imperialism is intervening in all regions around the globe and even inciting regional wars.

India Joins the SCO: Next Step OBOR!

INDIA and Pakistan formally became the latest members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) at the latest summit of the grouping held in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, in the second week of June. The two countries had enjoyed observer status in the organisation for many years and have now been elevated to full membership. Iran is the next country that is expected to join the grouping in the near future. The original members of the grouping initially known as the Shanghai Five that was established in 1995 were Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

On President Rouhani’s Second Term

THE emphatic electoral victory registered by the incumbent president of Iran, Hassan Rouhani in the third week of May is proof that the vast majority of the Iranian people still repose great deal of trust in him and his reformist policies. The voter turnout was exceptionally heavy with young voters coming out in larger numbers than before. Rouhani won 57 per cent of the votes. More than 70 per cent of Iran's 56 million voters cast their ballots despite calls from opposition groups based in western capitals for a boycott of the polls.

Qatar Crisis

THE attempt by Saudi Arabia and its allies in the region to isolate and undermine the Emirate of Qatar, seems to be failing. The American military establishment, despite President Donald Trump's repeated tweets supporting the Saudi position, seems to have decided against regime change in the Emirate. The evidence of this is the signing of a $12 billion deal by the Americans to sell 36 F-15 fighter jets to Qatar. Even within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Oman and Kuwait are not supporting the Saudi move for regime change in Qatar.

US Rants Do Not Rattle Cuba

US President Donald Trump had declared at a rally in Miami, Florida on June 16, that he was cancelling Obama's “completely one-sided deal” with Cuba. Speaking before a highly partisan crowd, Trump ranted against Cuba and vowed to completely cut-off relations and strangulate the country into submission. Through the reintroduction of harsh measures, the US administration is reverting to its pre-2014 policies in order to subdue and subjugate Cuba.

UK General Elections 2017: Youth Awakens

ONE of the biggest gambles by any sitting prime minister in the history of British politics has spectacularly backfired on the cautious Prime Minster Theresa May.When May called a snap general election, she required a change of legislation to repeal the fixed time parliament that had three years to run.The main opposition parties of Labour and the Scottish National Party were confronted with Hobson’s choice to either endorse the call for an early election or be highlighted as running scared of the will of the people.Theresa May influenced by opinion polls that were placing the Conservative

South Korea’s New President Aims to Restore Calm in the Korean Peninsula

THE victory of Moon Jae-in, former trade unionist and human rights activist in South Korea's presidential polls with a large majority, is the first bit of refreshing news to come out of the Korean peninsula this year. The region has been witnessing political turmoil and military tensions since last year. The newly elected president had vowed on the campaign trail that his first priory would be to restore calm in the Korean peninsula.


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