Current Issues

PB Statements

The Communist Party of India (Marxist) Polit Bureau has issued the following statements PMs Statement: Atrocious & CondemnableTHE Prime Minister has stated in a public meeting at Kollam in Kerala that the stand of the LDF government on the Sabarimala issue is “shameful”. This statement is atrocious and highly condemnable. He is admonishing an elected government for implementing the judgement of the Supreme Court.Modi forgot that he had taken oath on the Constitution of India and he spoke as an RSS pracharak not as the prime minister.

Red Salute

January 15, 2019 marked the 100th anniversary of the murder of Rosa Luxemburg, the revolutionary communist leader.Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were the leaders of the Spartacus league and went on to found the Communist Party of Germany (KPD).Both Rosa and Liebknecht were arrested and brutally killed by the so called “Freikorps”, demobilized soldiers acting under the instruction of the social-democratic regime.Rosa Luxemburg was an outstanding Marxist theoretician and steadfast revolutionary.

SC Verdict on CBI Director: Blow to Modi

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statements on January 8, 2019THE Supreme Court judgement reinstating the CBI Director Alok Verma shows how the Modi government has subverted and subordinated every single rule and norm in the functioning  of institutions like the CBI, to suit its narrow political interests.The judgement is a strong indictment of the Modi government and specifically the prime minister himself as the Department of Personnel and Training under which the CBI functions, is in his charge.If the prime minister had a conscience, he should have r

On Reservations for Economically Deprived People among the General Category

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on January 8, 2019THE decision of the Union Cabinet to accord 10 percent reservation to the economically weaker sections among the general category is an electoral ploy. This decision comes a  day before the current session of Parliament is scheduled to end with an eye on the forthcoming general elections.

Tripura: Condemn Attacks on Opposition

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on December 30, 2018The Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) condemns the unending attacks against the CPI(M) and its leaders in Tripura by goons owing allegiance to the BJP.In this continuing spiral of violence against the CPI(M), on December 28, Gautam Das, secretary of the Party’s Tripura state committee along with Ratan Bhowmik, MLA were waylaid and attacked at Bishalgarh town, while they were returning from Mirza, Udaipur.

PB Statements

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statements on January 2,2019CPI(M) Congratulates the Women of KeralaTHE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) extends its warm greetings and congratulations to the women of Kerala and to all the 176 social and mass organisations for the historic `Women’s Wall’ on January 1.The women’s wall with over 55 lakh women participants cutting across caste/community divide and from all walks of life, gave a strong message of unity to uphold the values of the Kerala renaissance for women’s rights and social refor

An Unconstitutional Order

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statements on December 21. An Unconstitutional Order THE ministry of home affairs has issued an order authorising ten central agencies to intercept, monitor and decrypt “any information generated, transmitted, received or stored in any computer”. This is a brazen attack on the fundamental right to privacy given to every citizen by our constitution.  This order goes against the spirit of Supreme Court judgements on telephone tapping guidelines, the right to privacy judgement and the Aadhaar judgement. The

NPRD Condemns Attack on Disabled Youth in UP

THE National Platform for the Rights of the Disabled (NPRD), in a statement issued on December 26, has strongly condemned the thrashing of a disabled youth by a BJP leader in Uttar Pradesh.The beating up of the youth merely because he did not subscribe to the BJP’s ideology and voiced his opinion openly, is a reflection of the times that we are living in – in a climate of increasing intolerance and hate.

Withdraw the Draconian Measures: AILU

THE All India Lawyers Union, in a statement issued on December 22, has strongly condemned the draconian measures by the central government in authorising ten central agencies to intercept and monitor all data contained in any computer. This is an intrusion in the right to privacy.Justifying the order, the government cites earlier similar order of 2009 issued by the then government.

The narrative has to change from “Hindu-Musalmaan” to “Kisan-Naujawan”

IN a press conference held on December 17, at Delhi, to brief the decisions of the two days Central Committee meeting of the CPI(M), Sitaram Yechury, general secretary, said the effort and the initiative is to change the narrative of the political discourse for the ensuing parliamentary elections from “Hindu-Musalmaan” to “Kisan-Naujawan”.   He said the last 4.5 years of Modi rule has completely exposed the hollowness of his promises and the danger that his communal politics.There is a two-pronged attack on the people.


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