Agrarian Issues

AIAWU to Observe National Dalit Rights Protection Day on October 24

THE All India Agricultural Workers Union General Council which met at Nalgonda from September 20-22, 2016, called on its units to observe October 24 as a nationwide protest day against the mounting attacks and atrocities on dalits. The council deliberations observed that since the BJP government came into power the emboldened Hindutva Parivar mounted an unbridled attack on dalits and Muslim minorities. Over the last few years, there is an exponential rise in atrocities on dalits.

Protest March at Assam Bhavan against Killing of Farmers in Kaziranga by BJP Govt

AGAINST the brutal killing of two farmers in police firing in Assam, a protest march was organised in front of Assam Bhavan in New Delhi under the banner of Delhi Action Committee against Kaziranga Killings. The protesters shouted slogans and conducted a public meeting and condemned the atrocities committed by the BJP led government of Assam.The leader of the action committee, Banajith Hussain said the farmers in Kaziranga villages lived there since the 1960’s and are in possession of lease title, ration card, voter identity card etc.

AIKS Demands Judicial Enquiry into Police Firing on Farmers in Kaziranga

THE All India Kisan Sabha, in a statement issued on September 20, has strongly condemned the killing of two farmers including a woman in Nagaon district of Assam near the Kaziranga National Park in a forced eviction drive. Anjuma Khatun and Fakhruddin have died and five farmers are seriously injured in the firing. It is the insensitive approach and total failure of the administration that led to this unfortunate incident. Hence the chief minister of Assam Sarbananda Sonowal must tender apology to the people.

Farmers Fight to Protect Their Lands

Farmers have to make arrangements for crops before arrival of a season. But the Telangana government made plans to grab soon-to-be-cultivated lands by bringing them under the Telanganaku Haritha Haram programme. Police and forest department officials threatened farmers and occupied their lands in many areas. The government began planting saplings on podu lands and attacked the cultivators who tried to hold onto their lands. To oppose the government move, Adivasis and the poor have formed land protection committee in every village.

Agrarian Capitalism and the Control of Land in a Neo-liberal World

THE transformation of the agrarian landscape under contemporary capitalism has yielded new ways in which big companies use their financial power to control the production processes in agriculture. This use of financial and political clout can take many forms. The first is of course outright land deals where companies directly control both land and production. This is especially true of the African countries where agricultural supply chains have spread considerably. Here the control of land by the companies is direct either in terms of transfer of ownership, or through long term leases.

Kerala Budget Strengthens Petty Production

THE remarkable characteristic of the revised budget 2016-17 of Kerala presented by the finance minister Dr Thomas Issac is the thrust it gives to the task of modernisation of agriculture and production sector. This aspect has the potential to help the state in the long run to overcome the imminent stagnation and prolong crisis looming large on the economic and social sphere of the state in the context of the failure of neoliberal model of reforms and systemic crisis of world capitalist system.The budget has been hailed for its emphasis on social welfare and it truly deserves so.

Liberalisation of Land Leasing: What It Means for Odisha?

THE Modi government’s NITI Aayog seeks the extension of liberalisation to the sector of land leasing. It has brought out a document, titled “Report of the Expert Committee on Land Leasing”, on March 31, 2016. A “Model Agricultural Land Leasing Act, 2016” is enclosed with this document for consideration by the state governments for initiation of legislation in their respective assemblies as it happens to be a subject under the state list of the Constitution.

Globalise the Struggle; Globalise Hope! Workers Paint France In Red: Demand Reversal of “Bosses Law”

THE protests across France against the bill proposing changes in the labour laws have been described as the biggest and longest protests since the French Revolution. What we saw indicate that it could well be an understatement. Over 1.2 million marched the streets of Paris on June 14, 2016 which happens to be the birth anniversary of the eternal revolutionary Che Guevara. Across France yet another 1.5 million workers are reported to have protested on the same day making it the biggest protest with never-seen-before kind of mass participation.


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