Agrarian Issues

Murder of Dairy Farmer, Ummar Mohammed Khan: AIKS Delegation Visits Alwar

AN AIKS delegation led by president Dr Ashok Dhawale visited Ghatmika village in Bharatpur district of Rajasthan ON November 17 to meet the family members of Ummar Mohammed Khan, a poor dairy farmer and daily wage labourer who was murdered by gau rakshaks in Alwar in Rajasthan on November 10. The delegation also met the Alwar SP Rahul Prakash and deputy SP Anil Beniwal and discussed the seriousness of the crime and need for stringent action against the culprits.According to the SP, the postmortem report has confirmed two bullet injuries as cause of death of Ummar Khan and the cow.

AIKS Condemns another Murder of Farmer In Alwar by Cow Vigilantes

THE All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS), in a statement issued on November 14, has expressed deep shock and strongly condemned the killing of yet another farmer, Ummar Khan, by cow vigilantes in Alwar, Rajasthan. He and two other farmers, Tahir Khan and Javed Khan had purchased cows in a village near Jaipur. When they were returning after buying the cattle, after passing Ramgad, they were attacked in a village called Gahankar. Six or seven vigilante goons who came in a white Tata Sumo car, attacked them and started firing at them.

Farmers Lost Over Rs 2 Lakh Crore Due to Low Prices of Crops this Year

FOLLOWING the massive workers’ Mahapadav on November 9-11 at Delhi, it is now the farmers’ turn to occupy the capital. Thousands of farmers from all over India will congregate at Delhi to demand better prices for their produce and complete freedom from debt. Many families of farmers who committed suicide in the recent past due to debt will also participate in what is being called the Kisan Mukti Sansad (Farmers’ Liberation Parliament).During the election campaign for the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, Narendra Modi had promised that farmers would get good prices for their crops.

AIAWU General Council Meeting Held

THE General Council of the All India Agricultural Workers Union (AIAWU) met in New Delhi on November 4-5. The meeting was attended by 67 members from 14 states. It was presided over by AIAWU president S Thirunavukkarasu. Placing a report, AIAWU general secretary A Vijayaraghavan said the period since the last General Council meeting in Telangana in September, 2016, has seen growing attacks on the rural landless, agricultural workers and rural labourers, leading to suicides and hunger deaths.

Jan Ekta Jan Adhikar Andolan Stages Protests

THE Jan Ekta Jan Adhikar Andolan, a national platform of mass, class and social organisations, movements and progressive individuals, organised marches across the country on October 30 to defend the democratic fabric of the country and for the rights of the people.The nationwide protest, ‘Jan Ekta Mashaal’ (Torchlight of People's Unity), was in support of the growing struggles of different sections of the people against the neo-liberal imperialist economic policies of globalisation, liberalisation and privatisation and the communal, divisive politics of hate and violence.According to a stat

AIKS Condemns TN Govt Inaction on Harassment by Loan Sharks

THE All India Kisan Sabha, in a statement issued on October 25, has expressed shock at the incident of a family of four immolating themselves outside the Tirunelveli Collectorate in Tamil Nadu due to the harassment of loan sharks and total insensitivity of the authorities to their request for redressal of the problem. Isakimuthu, a daily wage labourer along with his wife and two kids immolated themselves on October 23, 2017.

AIKS 34th Conference at Hisar: Organise, Unite & Launch Issue-Based Struggles to Overcome Agrarian Crisis

THE 34th all India conference of All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) was held at Hisar, Haryana from October 3-6, 2017. Hisar was earlier host to the 27th all India conference in 1992, only a year after the Congress government led by PV Narasimha Rao started implementing the policies of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation.

Towards 34th Conference of AIKS

THE All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) is gearing up for its 34th Conference, after a long, eventful four years of struggle and advances. It will be held in Hisar, Haryana, from October 3-6. A public meeting on the first day at Old College Ground will be addressed by Tripura Chief Minister Manik Sarkar. A total of 758 delegates from 25 states will attend the conference. Two delegates from UIS, the international farmers’ organisation, will also be present.The 27th conference of the AIKS was held in September 1992 at the same venue.

Declare Deluge in North and East India as National Calamity: AIKS

 ·         729 deaths in four states of Bihar, West Bengal, Assam and UP in August·          Declare flood in northern and eastern India as national calamity ·          Expedite relief operations on War FootingSERIOUS flood situation has disrupted life in many states in northern and eastern India especially Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, and eastern Uttar Pradesh.


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