Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Land Acquisition Ordinance: Authoritarian Step

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on December 30.

THE Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) strongly opposes the decision of the BJP government to amend the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act through the ordinance route to favour the interests of the corporates and real estate barons. The proposed amendment surrenders the genuine interests of the peasantry and land owners.

Big Business: Illusions about Modi & Hindutva

THE last two weeks have seen various business organisations, editorials in the corporate media and political commentators decrying the spate of communal activities and propaganda in the country. Under the Modi government, the RSS and its outfits are increasingly asserting the Hindutva agenda. The latest has been the campaign to “reconvert” those who have left the Hindu fold. According to the RSS chief, Mohan Bhagwat, this is not conversion but a ‘ghar wapasi’ and in his words, the return of `maal’ stolen by a thief.

Salute: 'Salt of the Movement'

“...We Communists are people of a special mould. We are made of a special stuff. We are those who form the army of the great proletarian strategist, the army of Comrade Lenin. There is nothing higher than the honour of belonging to this army. There is nothing higher than the title of member of the Party whose founder and leader was Comrade Lenin. It is not given to everyone to be a member of such a Party. It is not given to everyone to withstand the stresses and storms that accompany membership in such a Party.

CPI(M) Leader Writes to President Asking Not to Sanction Any Ordinance

Sitaram Yechury, MP and Leader of CPI(M) Group in the Rajya Sabha had written the following letter to the president of India on December 24, 2014 requesting him not to sanction any ordinance bypassing parliamentary procedures. The CPI(M) has always opposed such `ordinance raj’. Below is the text of the letter.

I am writing to you to express my deep concern on a matter, which in my opinion, constitutes a grave violation of the conduct of business in the houses of parliament, under the accepted rules.

SAARC: Not on Track

THE recently concluded Kathmandu SAARC summit has not been a very good advertisement for regional unity or cohesion. The 18th SAARC summit was held in the backdrop of renewed tensions between the two most powerful members of the regional grouping, India and Pakistan. The coming to power of the BJP in India and that too with a massive majority has put India’s role in the region under renewed scrutiny. Only one important agreement, relating to energy connectivity was signed and that too at the eleventh hour.


THIS week too both Houses of Parliament began with an uproar on the issue of religious conversion. In Lok Sabha, during the Zero Hour the House saw uproar with the Congress and the Left parties protesting against the government’s decision to keep schools open on Christmas to observe ‘Good Governance Day’. While Rajya Sabha saw a washout with a united opposition demanding a debate on religious conversion. CPI(M) Leader in Rajya Sabha Sitaram Yechury pointed out that we are not a “talking shop” where we go on talking which is meaningless.

‘Twipra Land’ for whose interest?

THE Indigenous People’s Front of Tripura (IPFT), an open political organisation of the outlawed NLFT outfit, which let loose blood bath annihilating several hundred people, both Bengalis and tribals, for more than a decade in Tripura, has again started playing with fire raising demand for a separate state in the name “Twipra Land” with the territorial area of existing TTAADC (Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council). On 23 August last, they organised an aggressive and violent procession in Agartala town and spewed most provocative anti-Bengali hatred.


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