Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

AIDWA Burns Effigies of Babas who Violate Women

All India Democratic Women’s Association observed Dussehra on September 30, by burning the effigy of the so-called (religious) babas, who violate women behind the fig-leaf of religion and the anti-women vice-chancellor of BHU. These elements get the patronage of the BJP government which has also resulted in the exponential increase in the incidence of violence against women during the three-years of NDA rule.The programme was conducted by the Delhi president of JMS and the gathering was addressed by AIDWA general secretary Mariam Dhawale, and Delhi secretary Asha Sharma.

Amit Shah’s Lumpen Politics

THE BJP president, Amit Shah, has embarked on a dangerous course of inciting violence against the CPI(M) by leveling false charges and accusations against the Party.Amit Shah has launched a `yatra’ of the BJP in Kerala, starting from Payyannur in Kannur district.  In his speech at the inauguration of the yatra, Shah made the shop-worn allegations about “red terror”, but what was new was his attributing the “killings of BJP-RSS workers” to Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan.The RSS violence against the CPI(M) in Kerala has occurred not only during the tenure of the present LDF

The Growing Income Inequality

THOMAS Piketty and Lucas Chancel have just written a paper as part of their work for the World Inequality Report discussing the movement of income inequality in India. And their conclusion is that the extent of income inequality in India at present is greater than it has ever been at any time in the last one hundred years.Their estimates go back to 1922 when the Income Tax Act became operational in India. The share of the top 1 per cent of the population in total income at that date was around 13 per cent.

Agrarian Conditions and Recent Peasant Struggles in Sikar

SIKAR, situated in Shekhawati region of Rajasthan, has a glorious history of peasant struggles. From 1920s through 1960s, peasants of Sikar fought successfully against the jagirdars. Sikar had an extremely oppressive jagirdari regime under the Raja of Sikar and peasants worked under a huge burden of taxes (lag) and obligation to provide unpaid labour and military services (bag).

On the Rohingyas Issue

The South Asian Regional Seminar of Communist and Left parties expresses its serious concern about the grave humanitarian crisis regarding the Rohingyas who have been rendered as human beings belonging to nowhere as a result of the incessant terror and acts of violence in the Rakhine state of Myanmar. Rohingya population are forced to leave their homes and hearths and move to neighbouring countries in order to survive. Bangladesh has borne the brunt of such an exodus of refugees.

PUNJAB: Comrade Surjeet’s Death Anniversary Observed

PEOPLE from all walks of life from many places in Punjab converged at the Girls School grounds of Bundala Manjhki (Jalandhar), native village of Comrade Harkishan Singh Surjeet, former general secretary of CPI(M) and a Communist leader of international repute to pay him tributes on his ninth death anniversary, on September 24.  Besides state leaders of CPI(M), leaders of various political parties paid their tributes to Comrade Surjeet.

Hypocrisy of Fight against Corruption

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on September 26AT the BJP’s national executive, the prime minister thundered that “there would be no compromise or leniency on corruption”.The CPI(M)’s position on fighting growing political corruption is well-known, both in its conduct and its concrete proposals to end this scourge.The hypocrisy of the prime minister and the BJP government lies in the fact that while they are pursuing corruption cases against leaders of the opposition, this government in these three years has not even implemented the law enact

Jotting of My Life

Day – Minus six months: My mother was taken to a hospital. A test was done. They found out I was inside her womb. My father and his parents forced her to a surgery. I was killed, before I could see you.Day – My birth: I had just come out of my mother’s womb. I was crying. They saw me. Instead of milk, the put some seeds in my mouth. My birthday was my death day.November 22, 2015: I was three months old. My uncle who is 50 years old took me away from my house where I was sleeping.


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