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Peoples Democracy newsletter

Lok Sabha Elections 2019

First List of Seats to be Contested by the CPI(M)  

Total number of seats contestingName of StateNo of seats contesting in statesName of ConstituencyName of Candidate

Assam1Kokrajhar (ST)Biraj Deka


 2LakhimpurAmiya Kumar Handique


Haryana1HisarSukhbir Singh


Himachal Pradesh1Mandi Daleep Kaifth


Kerala1KasargodeK P Satheesh Chandran

Women’s Parliament

AFTER the tremendous success of ‘women wall’ on the new year day of 2019, women in Kerala have held series of meetings called ‘women’s parliament’ in almost every assembly constituency in the state. The women gathered in large numbers in ‘women parliament’ and pledged to oppose the anti-women postures of both BJP and Congress.Leaders of All India Democratic Women’s Association, women leaders of various other democratic organisations addressed the meetings in the assembly constituencies.

Left Front Begins Campaign in Spirited Mood

LEFT Front in West Bengal has started the election campaign in an energetic mood, with candidates already in the streets, interacting with people. Wall writings, door-to-door campaigning and local level meetings are being organised in numbers.CPI(M) and the Left Front have taken the initiative to galvanise the process to maximise the pooling of anti-BJP, anti-TMC votes. Left Front had opened a dialogue with the Congress. Left Front suggested that there should be no mutual contest in six seats won by the Left Front and the Congress in 2014 elections.

Don’t Stifle BSNL, Allow Fair Competition and Release Salaries of its Employees

THE failure of the BJP government does not demand big data to reveal the truth. The recent video of a BSNL employee crying for not being paid salary for 3 consecutive months has gone viral. It is not an isolate incident rather speaks volumes of how a public sector is stifled under the Modi rule. The BSNL has not paid salary to its 1.68 lakh workers and officers for the month of February 2019. The management has stated that owing to extreme resource crunch, such a situation has arisen.

CPI(M) Remembers Comrade EMS Namboodiripad

COMRADE EMS Namboodiripad was one of the foremost leaders of the Communist movement in India and one of the founding leaders of the Communist Party of India (Marxist).In his nearly seven decades of public life and revolutionary activities, EMS Namboodiripad left an indelible imprint on the progressive and working class movement of the country. As a young man, he became active in the social reform movement against caste. He left college in 1931 to join the freedom struggle and was jailed in the satyagraha movement.


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