Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Haryana: Movement of rural sanitation workers in the state

THE day of October 2, 2007, is important for rural sanitation workers in the state. The then Congress government appointed these employees on the same day through gram panchayats on a monthly honorarium of Rs 3,525 to keep the villages clean and tidy. The number of these employees in the state is about 11,000. The government gave the right to pay an honorarium to the gram panchayats, with this decision of the government, the foundation of forced labour and harassment was laid.

Haryana: Movement of rural sanitation workers in the state

THE day of October 2, 2007, is important for rural sanitation workers in the state. The then Congress government appointed these employees on the same day through gram panchayats on a monthly honorarium of Rs 3,525 to keep the villages clean and tidy. The number of these employees in the state is about 11,000. The government gave the right to pay an honorarium to the gram panchayats, with this decision of the government, the foundation of forced labour and harassment was laid.

GST Compensation: Centre’s Bizarre Stand

WHEN the Goods and Services Tax was introduced, and the states virtually gave up the power to levy indirect taxes which they had enjoyed under the constitution, the centre had solemnly promised that it would compensate them for a period of five years for any revenue shortfall arising from the shift to GST. The shortfall was to be assessed relative to what revenue should have been, assuming a 14 per cent rate of growth. It is this promise which had persuaded many states to fall in line behind the GST.

Worsening Epidemic and a Sinking Economy: Modi’s Mid-year Balance Sheet

TWO news items about India have figured prominently, one a nearly 24 per cent drop in India’s GDP  the previous quarter and the other that India has taken over as the new epicentre of the global pandemic with its figures for new cases crossing even the US numbers. The 24 per cent drop in GDP for the second quarter is the biggest drop of any major economy in the world for a quarter. The comparable US figures are 9.5 per cent and Japan’s 7.6 per cent drop in the same quarter.

Worsening Epidemic and a Sinking Economy: Modi’s Mid-year Balance Sheet

TWO news items about India have figured prominently, one a nearly 24 per cent drop in India’s GDP  the previous quarter and the other that India has taken over as the new epicentre of the global pandemic with its figures for new cases crossing even the US numbers. The 24 per cent drop in GDP for the second quarter is the biggest drop of any major economy in the world for a quarter. The comparable US figures are 9.5 per cent and Japan’s 7.6 per cent drop in the same quarter.

Worsening Epidemic and a Sinking Economy: Modi’s Mid-year Balance Sheet

TWO news items about India have figured prominently, one a nearly 24 per cent drop in India’s GDP  the previous quarter and the other that India has taken over as the new epicentre of the global pandemic with its figures for new cases crossing even the US numbers. The 24 per cent drop in GDP for the second quarter is the biggest drop of any major economy in the world for a quarter. The comparable US figures are 9.5 per cent and Japan’s 7.6 per cent drop in the same quarter.

Worsening Epidemic and a Sinking Economy: Modi’s Mid-year Balance Sheet

TWO news items about India have figured prominently, one a nearly 24 per cent drop in India’s GDP  the previous quarter and the other that India has taken over as the new epicentre of the global pandemic with its figures for new cases crossing even the US numbers. The 24 per cent drop in GDP for the second quarter is the biggest drop of any major economy in the world for a quarter. The comparable US figures are 9.5 per cent and Japan’s 7.6 per cent drop in the same quarter.

Drabu’s assertions on Gupkar Declaration not based on facts: CPI(M)

ON August 30, Gulam Nabi, secretary of J & K CPI(M) while reacting to the former finance minister, Haseeb Drabu’s assertions on the 'Gupkar Declaration' with reference to CPI(M), said it was not based on facts.In an Op-Ed piece in Greater Kashmir, Drabu had questioned whether J&K CPI(M) had the blessing of the high command to be part of the Gupkar Declaration or it is a 'localised' show of solidarity.To put the records straight, the CPI(M) central leadership has strongly opposed unconstitutional, illegal and authoritarian decisions taken by the BJP government on August 5, 2019.

From Pentagon to Private Military Companies’ Reign in Kabul

THE US has been fighting Taliban for the last 19-years at a cost of more than $2 trillion. However, President Donald Trump believes that the Taliban might be America’s newfound ally in South Asia in bringing back peace to war-torn Afghanistan.However, Trump’s hopes were dashed when a faction of Taliban fired roughly a dozen rockets at Camp Dwyer, a large American military base and a joint US-Afghan airfield in southern Afghanistan towards the end of August.

CTU’s Denounce Forced Premature Retirement

THE joint platform of central trade unions and sectoral federations/associations on August 31, unanimously denounced the renewed move of the central government to unilaterally and on absolutely arbitrary grounds, impose conditions for forced premature retirement on its employees.The office memorandum issued by the ministry of personnel, public grievances and pensions, department of personnel and training on August 28 arms the government with powers to give any government employee marching orders after completing 30 years of service or reaching 50/55 years of age or older, said the union lea


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