Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

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A SEMINAR was organised on " Kashmir Files and Communalism" in Chennai on April 12, at Sir P T Thyagaraja Hall, T Nagar, Chennai, on behalf of the Tamil Nadu Platform for People's Unity.While speaking in the seminar, Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami, Central Committee Member of the CPI(M), asked the BJP government, what did they achieve after dividing and downgrading Jammu and Kashmir? After India's independence, considering the future of Jammu and Kashmir, the Constituent Assembly of India had given certain rights to the Jammu and Kashmir people through the Constitution of India.

Against US Imposed Sanctions and Blockades

US-imposed sanctions wreck the economies of target countries and cause immense suffering to their people. Because of sanctions, Iraq experienced a lack of drinking water, proper sewage systems, fuel, and wood as well as an increase in the spread of disease and mortality. Iran and Syria suffered a decline in the availability of food and medicines. Poverty and income-gaps increased under sanctions. An analysis of United States’ sanctions imposed since 2000 shows that they reduced the human development index of targeted countries and increased corruption.

Against Growing Attacks On Women

THE 23rd Congress of the CPI(M) expresses great anguish at the growing attacks on women in our country. The frightening regularity with which women and young girls are subjected to violence and abuse is alarming. Gang-rape, abduction, physical and mental abuse, torture of various kinds, threats of killing and rape are not isolated incidents. Instead they are a part of the larger systemic problem.

Calling for Nationwide Protest Against Petrol and Diesel Prices Hikes

THE 23rd Congress of CPI(M) protests the relentless increase in the prices of petrol and diesel by the oil companies in connivance with the Narendra Modi led BJP government. Escalation of petroleum prices is fuelling inflation and thus implies large-scale transfer of resources from the working people to the ruling classes and the Government of India. The union government’s tax collection from the oil sector increased from Rs 0.74 lakh crores in 2014-15, the first year of the BJP-led government to around Rs 3.5 lakh crores in 2021-22.

Oppose the National Monetisation Pipeline

THE BJP government led by Modi has unveiled a four-year National (Asset) Monetisation Pipeline (NMP) aiming to garner Rs 6 lakh crore. The NMP is aimed at handing over huge functional infrastructural assets of the country to private corporate companies and big business houses, including foreign MNCs. The corporate cronies of the BJP government will be allowed to mint huge money utilising the assets built with people’s money and labour.

Sri Lanka’s Aragalaya

ARAGALAYA in Sinhala broadly means struggle. The country is struggling to meet its fuel, food and financial commitments. People are on the streets, in struggle against the government that had failed them. They are demanding immediate resignation of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and all the 225 members of the parliament, including Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa. The catchy slogan of this popular struggle is, ‘Gota Go Home’, implying President Gotabaya should leave office. All attempts made by the president to appease the protesters have failed.

Messages of Greetings Expressing International Solidarity

Below we publish the messages of greetings received from the Communist Parties of China, Cuba, Vietnam, Korea, and LaosCommunist Party of ChinaDEAR Comrades,Delighted to learn that the Communist Party of India (Marxist) will convene its 23rd National Congress, the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China wishes to extend to you our warm congratulations. With a history of over 100 years, the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has been an important player in the political arena of India long committed to exploring a path to so


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