DURING the course of this one year, Prime Minister Modi has gone on a record eighteen foreign visits. While the country and the people wished that he paid more attention to solving domestic problems, the RSS is elated that through these visits, the PM helped in spreading RSS networks in 40 countries across the world! Clearly, he continues to discharge his responsibilities as an RSS pracharak!
“IMPERIALISM, capitalism and individualism are the main enemies of the people”, said Ho Chi Minh, whose 125th birth anniversary is being observed on this May 19. Uncle Ho, as he was popularly called, led the Vietnamese struggle against the Japanese and French colonialists and the victorious war of resistance against US occupation.
THE CBI Special Court on April 9, 2015 sentenced Satyam Raju and his brother to spend seven years in jail for “forging documents and falsifying accounts in the country, in the biggest ever corporate accounting fraud” and on March 14, 2015 the CBI made arrests of a few government functionaries for stealing confidential documents for multinational consultancy firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers and arrests of few others continued till the end of March for “Corporate Espionage”.
Four districts of Rayalaseema in Andhra Pradesh – Chittoor, Kadapa, Anantapura and Kurnool – have been under severe draught for the past few years. The situation in Chittoor and Kadapa is the worst. In Chittoor, 42 out of 66 mandals and in Kadapa, 48 out of 51 mandals are most affected.
THE Summit of the Americas held in the second week of April in Panama City has been an eventful one. Besides the handshake and meeting between the American and Cuban presidents, what was on show was the unity shown by the Caribbean and Latin American countries on key issues. The trend has been continued form the last Summit held in 2012 in the Colombian port city of Cartagena. That summit was notable for the solidarity extended to Cuba. Barring the United States, all the other countries in the continent were united in their opposition to the American economic blockade on Cuba.
The following is a statement signed and endorsed by more than a hundred artists, writers, critics, academics etc regarding the recent interference by the Government of India in some of the national institutions of culture and arts. The statement was issued on May 6.
SECRET ballot was held at the Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Generation Station of NTPC on May 6. The CITU union there has won the election conclusively. It was for the third time the secret ballot took place in the power station. In the first election held in March 2008, the CITU union won. In the second election held in May 2012, BMS union won. And now in the third time, the CITU union again won the elections defeating the BMS and INTUC unions.
SURELY it was giving me the goose bumps. I was simply overwhelmed by the enormity of the occasion and the circumstances. We were right there; meeting hall of the Thong-Nhat Palace (which in Vietnamese would read) -the reunification palace. It was here that at 11.30 am on April 30, 1975, the Liberation Army of Vietnam commandeered by Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap entered the main gates of this building then known as the Independence Palace.