Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Whose Market was it Anyway?

IT was way back in February of 2019, when the Central Statistical Office (CSO) declared the GDP figures for the third quarter (October-December) of 2018-19 that the talk first began in the media about the Indian economy heading towards a slowdown. It didn’t, however, become the centre of attention on account of the Lok Sabha elections.

Transfer of Madras Chief Justice be Withdrawn: AIDWA

The following is the press statement issued by the All India Democratic Women’s Association on September 11, 2019THE recent transfer of Chief Justice Vijaya Tahilramani from the Madras High Court to the Meghalaya High Court by the Supreme Court collegium has created justified consternation among sections of people who hold the judiciary and the Indian Constitution in high esteem.

New Attempts to Attack Forest Rights Act

Five tribal organizations –  Adivasi Adhikar Rashtriya Manch, Campaign for Survival and Dignity, Bharat Ekta Andolan, Jindagi Bachao Abhiyan and the All India Forum of Forest Movements have jointly submitted the following memorandum to Arjun Munda, minister for tribal affairs on September 11, regarding the new attempt to attack the Forest Rights Act in the Supreme Court.ON September 12, the Supreme Court is scheduled to once again hear the ongoing case against the Forest Rights Act. We wish to draw to your attention to three fresh applications petitioners in this case have filed be

TRIPURA: Tapasili Jati Samanway Samiti Convention Evokes Enthusiastic Response

THE Tripura Tapasili Jati Samanway Samiti organised a state-level convention in Agartala on September 1. It has been decided to organise a mass deputation to the governor on a nine-point demands on September 21.The convention was addressed by  CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Manik Sarkar and general secretary of Dalit Shoshan Mukti Manch, Ramchandra Dom.

TRIPURA: Kisan Sabha to Strengthen Resistance & Intensify Struggles

THE two-day extended meeting of All India Kisan Sabha, Tripura state council and Tripura Gana Mukti Parishad held at Agartala on September 1-2, 2019 gave a clarion call to strengthen resistance and intensify struggles on the burning problems of the peasantry and the oppressed sections. Broad solidarity will be built uniting the peasantry, agricultural workers, workers, women, youth and all oppressed to make timely interventions as well as result-oriented struggles.

Stop Terrorising the Messenger: DUJ

THE Delhi Union of Journalists, in a statement issued on September 3, has expressed shock and dismay at the filing of criminal cases against journalist Pawan Jaiswal of Mirzapur for shooting a video on corruption in the midday meal scheme at a government school in Seur. The children were filmed being served only rotis and salt whereas the school meal scheme provides for a balanced nutritious meal of vegetables and dal, besides milk and fruit on some days. The story was carried by ANI and also posted on social media.

Tamil Nadu: Religious Harmony Conference

 “THE Tamil Nadu Platform for People’s Unity”, an anti-communal platform formed in the state organised a religious harmony conference on September 1, at Kamaraj Arangam, Chennai.The idea behind the conference was to create and environment of communal harmony in the state by engaging with eminent persons of high secular credentials.Saththiyavel Muruganar, a prominent Saivaite leader, Balaprajapathy Adigalar, leader of the Vaikundar Swamigal Peravai, Sivaparakasa Swamigal, Vallalar Peravai and Madhavan Ramanuja Dasar from Vaishnavaite faith, Harbinder Singh, Sikh leader, Madhan Prakash Rathod


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