Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Red Flag Marches Ahead 1937-39

AS part of the united front tactics, communists started working in the Congress and concentrated on building various mass and class organisations. Red flag was marching ahead and the united front against imperialism was emerging as a powerful force with the active participation of workers, peasants and intelligentsia.

Haryana: Seminar on 100 years of Communist Party formation

THE communist movement that grew out of the independence movement in India is the real alternative to the ideology of hatred and communalism spread by the RSS-BJP in the present era. These were the emphatic words of Prakash Karat, former general secretary of CPI(M), while speaking in a seminar observing 100 years of the formation of the Communist Party in India.The seminar was held in Jasbir Smarak in Rohtak on Febraruy 9, 2020. Prakash Karat said that the communist party was formed in Tashkent on October 17, 1920, where a group meeting was held and decided to build it in India.

In Defence of Secularism and Pluralism: The Mumbai Collective 2020

THE constitution of India is the foundational document that guides our country's polity. For every Indian citizen, the constitution secures justice, freedom of thought, expression, belief, worship and faith as well as equality of status. The constitution was the outcome of our national movement for independence from colonial rule that involved people from all strata of Indian society. It is a matter of great concern, however, that many of these constitutional guarantees available to Indian citizens are threatened in the recent period.

DELHI: DU Teachers March to Parliament

TEACHERS of Delhi University marched to Parliament Street on February 10, to draw attention to their demands related to their service conditions, including pensions, promotions, permanency in jobs and unwarranted recoveries from salaries. A key demand of the over two month long DUTA agitation is the one-time regulation for absorption of ad-hoc and temporary teachers which will allow the regularisation of the services of the thousands of temporary/ad-hoc teachers.

Defence Budget Allocations: Crunch Time

FOR a hyper-nationalistic government that boasts of a muscular military posture, the defence budget of 2020 strikes a discordant note. The finance minister, while presenting the union budget for the year in a dreary two-hour long speech, began by proclaiming that “national security is the top priority of this government.” Yet there was no mention of the allocations for defence in her budget.

Kerala Budget 2020-21: Negation of Neo-Liberal Economics

THE LDF government’s budget for the year 2020-21 is best described as an instrument of struggle of the people of Kerala against the regime of neoliberal economic policies imposed on the nation by the union government. The neoliberal onslaught on the nation, commenced way back during early 1990s, reached its zenith under the leadership of prime minister Narendra Modi.The latest budgets presented by the union finance minister Nirmala Sitaraman show how the long drawn out process of neoliberal reforms has turned out to be a big tragedy for the nation.

DELHI: Take Action against Harassment on Girl Students: AIDWA

THE All India Democratic Women's Association (AIDWA) has, in a statement issued on February 10, expressed shock and strongly condemned the harassment of girl students by a group of pro-CAA supporters inside Gargi College on February 6. The incident took place during the three day Gargi Women's College Festival 'Reverie' was being celebrated. A group of pro-CAA protestors passed by and broke into the premises. They scaled the walls of the college to enter it. They were drunk and shouted Jai Shri Ram slogans. They molested and manhandled the girls.

Delhi Assembly Election: Stinging Rebuff to BJP

THE sweeping victory of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in the Delhi Assembly election is a remarkable performance.  After winning an unprecedented 67 out of the 70 seats in the 2015 assembly election, the AAP, under Arvind Kejriwal’s leadership, has repeated this comprehensive victory by winning 62 out of 70 seats. The big popular support behind this victory is signified by the 53.6 per cent vote that the AAP has garnered this time around, as compared to the 54.3 per cent vote it got in 2015.

NRC by Stealth and Subterfuge

THE Modi government has gone on record in parliament that it has not taken any decision till now to prepare the National Register of Indian Citizens.  This was the reply given by the minister of state for home affairs, Nityanand Rai, to a written question.  This is in line with what the prime minister had said at a rally in Delhi on December 22, 2019 that since his government came to power in 2014, there has been no discussion on the NRC. These are half-truths meant to deceive the people.  Half-truths because, the NRC as such, is not being compiled but the process of preparing the NRC has b


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