Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Remembering Lenin

APRIL 22, 2020, marks the 150th birth anniversary of the greatest revolutionary figure of the twentieth century, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. After Marx and Engels, Lenin made the biggest contribution to the theory and practice of Marxism. Lenin’s groundbreaking theoretical advances, such as his analysis of imperialism, set the stage for the world’s first socialist revolution in Russia in October 1917.Lenin created a revolutionary strategy that encompassed the industrial proletariat and the peoples of the colonies and oppressed countries.

Bihar: Comrade J C Basu Martyred

KHAGARIA is one of the districts of Bihar, which is known for intense land struggles. Dozens of leading comrades such as Comrade Anandi Singh, Comrade Uttam Singh, Comrade Jay Jay Ram Singh, Comrade Murli Manohar Mandal have been martyred during the ongoing class battle in the district. Comrade Jagdish Chandra Basu, district secretariat member of the CPI(M) and  district secretary of Kisan Sabha is the latest victim of the class struggle.

TELANGANA: CPI(M) Stands by Poor in Dire Need

AS the government enforced lockdown to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus, migrant workers, daily wage labourers and unorganised workers in Telangana are facing the brunt – without any work, money and food. As the suffering intensifies with the lockdown being extended, the Party and mass organisations have been in the forefront to help the poor and the needy.In all districts, rice, pulses, eggs, vegetables, daily essentials, masks, soaps, medicines and sanitisers were supplied costing lakhs of rupees.

Lockdown: Victory Declarations Premature In the Battle against Covid-19

THE prime minister has now extended the 21-day countrywide lockdown to 40 days, that is, till  May 3.. While doing this, no explanation has been given on what basis the lockdown has been extended, and why for a 21-day period. Instead, in a briefing, the ministry of foreign affairs claimed a significant fall in infections based on certain modelling studies done by the ICMR. The ministry of health and family welfare first denied knowledge of any such ICMR modelling studies, later claimed that this was done by certain other groups.

MAHARASHTRA: CPI(M) Plunges Into Relief Work For Lockdown-Affected People

IN the first part of this report last week, the Corona lockdown relief work conducted by the CPI(M) and mass fronts in Mumbai, Palghar and Thane districts was outlined. In this second and concluding part, the work in some of the other districts in Maharashtra is recounted.   SOLAPURIn Solapur, the CPI(M) and all mass organisations are trying hard to help the victims of the lockdown. With the help of local NGOs, our activists are distributing food, grocery and other essentials to the needy.

Extended Lockdown: Poor & Marginalised Will Continue to Suffer

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on April 14THE people of the country who implemented the three week long lockdown ending today were looking forward to concrete measures that the government will undertake to resolve the problems that arose during these three weeks and provide the much needed relief for a large number of our poor, marginalised and migrant labour.The prime minister listed seven tasks that the people should implement during the extended lockdown.

Observe Ambedkar Jayanti on April 14

The Communist Party of India (Marxist), Communist Party of India, Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)-Liberation, the All India Forward Bloc and the Revolutionary Socialist Party have issued thefollowing statement on April 13.THE Left Parties call upon the people of India to observe Ambedkar Jayanti by taking a pledge at 5 pm on April 14, on the following issues within the confines of the lockdown restrictions.1. Safeguarding our constitution.2.


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