Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Historic Farmers’ Struggle Wins Over Corporate Communalism

IT was an epic first victory of the one year long historic struggle of the farmers of India over corporate communalism, as represented by the Modi-Shah-led BJP-RSS central government and its alliance with foreign and domestic corporates, represented by the two ace crony corporates Ambani and Adani. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s nationally televised address to the country on November 19, 2021 to coincide with the Guru Nanak Jayanti, agreeing to repeal all the three hated farm laws was a stinging defeat for all of them.

Global Warming and the Hypocrisy of the Rich Countries

FIGHTING global warming is not just providing a path to net-zero carbon emissions for all countries. It is also about how to meet the energy needs of the people while doing so. If fossil fuels are to be given up as they need to be, countries in Africa and a significant part of Asia, including India, need an alternate path for providing electricity to its people. What is the course open to the poor countries if they do not use the fossil fuel route that the rich countries have used? And how much will such a route cost, and who will pay the bill?

General Council of CITU: Get Ready for the Two Days Countrywide General Strike!

THE first meeting of CITU general council concluded with a clarion call to the working class of India to get ready for the two days’ country wide general strike called by the joint platform of trade unions from the national convention held in the national capital Delhi on November 11, 2021. The national convention decided that the general strike will be held during the budget session of parliament. The exact dates will be announced soon.The CITU general council, which was originally scheduled to be held in Kolkata from May 30, 2020, had to be deferred due to the countrywide lockdown.

Politics of Mass Struggle

THE historic victory of the kisan struggle in forcing the government to roll back the anti-farmer, pro-corporate three farm laws underlines the importance of the politics of mass struggle. The strength of the farmers' united movements under the leadership of the Samyukta Kisan Morcha put the government on the defensive with the struggle organically transforming into a mass struggle against the BJP and its governments at the centre and states.

AP: Manikonda Suryavathi, a Great Patriot: Brinda Karat

REAL nationalism and patriotism can be understood by learning about great patriots like Suryavathi and not from the preachings of the RSS and the BJP, said CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Brinda Karat at the birth centenary celebrations of CPI(M) leader Comrade Manikonda Suryavathi, organised in Vijayawada on November 16.“Suryavathi had worked for the poor rural women. She had fought against the feudal forces. She did not look at caste or religion during her struggle as she considered that real patriotism and nationalism was in mobilising women, peasants, workers and the toiling masses.

Women Fight Price Rise

THOUSANDS of women all over the country responded to the call by the All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA) and came out on the roads on November 16, 2021, in protest against the uncontrolled price hikes, and condemned the failure of the BJP-RSS regime in providing relief to crores of the poor.

A Victory of Wider Consequences

THE capitulation by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in announcing the repeal of the three farm laws, is a historic victory for the united farmers’ struggle led by the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM).  It is a victory which has far wider consequences than just the nullification of a set of pro-corporate farm measures. First and foremost, the successful defence of the farmers’ right to livelihood through peasant-based agriculture is a setback to the neo-liberal agenda, which has been assiduously pursued by the Modi government.Secondly, the success of the farmers’ struggle is a blow against authorit

Tripura: CPI(M) Protests Police Inaction

THE CPI(M) staged a protest in front of the Tripura Police headquarters on November 15, demanding the arrest of BJP-backed miscreants. Party state secretary Jitendra Chowdhury sharply criticised the role of some high-ranking officers, including the director general of police. He made it clear that in the last three-and-a-half years, democracy has been undermined by the incompetence and callousness of the state government and some high-ranking officers of the police department. The rule of law is completely doomed.


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