Working Class Issues

Ensure accountability in Judiciary

Implement the POSH Act effectively in the complaint against CJI by SC ex employeeTHE Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), in a statement issued on  May 16, has expressed serious concern at the recent developments and actions by the Supreme Court following the complaint by a former woman employee of the Supreme Court against the Chief Justice of India.CITU feels that the procedures required as per the POSH (Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 have not been followed in letter and spirit in the case.First of all, the highest forum of judic

FIFTY YEARS OF CITU: Class Unity and Class Struggle

IT was with this vision that the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) was founded in 1970, the yearlong Golden Jubilee celebrations of which will start on its Foundation Day this year – May 30. This vision was clearly spelt out in the constitution of CITU thus: ‘The CITU believes that the exploitation of the working class can be ended only by socialising all means of production, distribution and exchange and establishing a Socialist State.

Hundred Years of Struggles and Sacrifices Of the Working Class of India

 BEGINNING on May 30, 2019, CITU is going for yearlong celebration of “100 years of struggles and sacrificesof the working class of India, since the formation of the First Trade Union Centre, and “50 years of fight for unity of the working class” since the formation of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions. Following are historical milestones of these working class struggles and sacrifices, till the formation of CITU, for the class and people’s cause, class unity, and for developing class perspective and orientation.

Industrial Workers Fight for Rights in Special ‘Japanese & ‘South Korean Zones’ in India

ON the very first day of the two-day countrywide general strike by workers on January 8-9, police in the Congress-ruled Rajasthan lathi-charged, used teargas and fired on the peaceful assembly of the workers in front of Japanese company Daikin Airconditioning Private Limited in the so-called ‘Japanese Zone’ in the Neemrana industrial area in Alwar district. Several workers were injured in the police action.

CITU Rejects Recommendations of Minimum Wage Panel

CITU general secretary Tapan Sen has written to the minister of labour and employment, rejecting the recommendations of the expert committee on minimum wage. He demanded that the minimum wage be fixed at Rs 18,000 per month and enforced across the country.In the letter to Santosh Gangware on February 19, Sen said that the report of “the so-called expert committee on determining the methodology for fixing the national minimum wage…is in our hand”.

Anganwari call for Delhi March

ON the slogans of, no to direct cash transfer and no privatisation in ICDS; implement minimum wages of Rs 18,000 per month and pension of Rs 6,000 per month for anganwadi workers and helpers; regularise them as government employees; make anganwadis full time as anganwadi cum creches, the ALL India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers (AIFAWH) union has decided to march to parliament on February 25, 2019.This march will be a culmination of consistent struggles in last five years for the rights of the children for nutrition, health and education.

Highly Successful Three-day Strike in BSNL

THE three-day strike of the employees and officers of BSNL, which started on February 18, 2019, is a huge success. It was called by the All Unions and Associations of BSNL (AUAB). Almost all the telephone exchanges, administrative offices, customer service centres, etc, remained closed throughout the country, on all the three days. The government invoked the draconian ESMA to suppress the strike.

Stop Privatisation of Airports

OPPOSING the proposed privatisation of six airports in the country, Tapan Sen, general secretary of CITU wrote a letter to the union minister for civil aviation, on February 11.It is shocking to note that the government of India has decided to privatise six more airports of the country that are functioning under the Airports Authority of India through the so-called PPP route.  The airports proposed to be privatised at the moment are Trivandrum, Guwahati, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Lucknow and Mangalore as per the reports received.The CITU vehemently opposes such a move of privatisation of these six


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