
Declare the Unprecedented Calamity in HP as a National Disaster: CPI(M)

IN July, Himachal Pradesh experienced substantial rainfall, leading to severe floods and landslides. This rainfall has been unprecedented, with eight districts in the state receiving an unusually high amount of precipitation, a situation never witnessed before. This caused severe floods and landslides, resulting in extensive damage. The government's estimation reveals a staggering loss of Rs 6000 crore during the period from June 24 to July 30, 2023. This figure continues to rise as the ongoing rains persist.

People Need Urgent Relief from Unprecedented Flood Fury

THE unrelenting fury of flash floods in northern and north western states has resulted in a devastating toll on lives, livestock, and livelihoods. Standing crops such as paddy, maize, sugarcane, vegetables, horticulture, orchards, and fodder, have been lost across lakhs of acres. The catastrophe has also led to the loss of cattle, sheep, goats, and poultry, all swept away by the floods.

Tamil Nadu Stands with Manipur People

ON July 16, 2023, more than 3000 people, mostly Christians, gathered in Madurai to participate in a procession organised by the Tamil Nadu Platform for People's Unity (TNPPU) voicing their demand for peace in Manipur and an end to violence, particularly directed at Christian minorities. Despite heavy rain, people persevered and continued to walk in the procession, bravely raising slogans against the violence in Manipur and condemning both the central and state governments for their inability to curb the unrest. The procession was led by Prof.

Telangana: Working Class on Struggle Path

THE working class in Telangana is currently facing numerous challenges. Workers in various sectors are being compelled to go on prolonged strikes, organised by CITU or Joint Action Committees. The government's stubborn and one-sided approach is exacerbating the situation, leading to unrest. Despite these difficulties, the working class is putting up a strong fight, facing intolerance from government officials.The united and determined efforts of the working class have forced the government to address the problems at hand.

India Stands with Cuba and Palestine

Enable GingerCannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connectionor reload the browserDisable in this text fieldRephraseRephrase current sentenceEdit in Ginger×CUBAN National Rebellion Day was commemorated in New Delhi, Trivandrum, and Kolkata on July 26. The National Committee for Solidarity with Cuba (NCSC) observed the day by reaffirming its solidarity with Cuba and rededicating itself to the fight against imperialism.

Govt Should Wait for SC Verdict on Petitions Challenging Reorganisation Act

Enable GingerJ&K Reorganisation Amendment (2023) BillTHE CPI(M) Jammu and Kashmir unit, on July 26, said that the proposed J&K Reorganisation Amendment (2023) Bill, allowing reservation of seats for Kashmiri Pandits and migrants from PoK is being introduced in the parliament at a time when the Supreme court has begun hearing a clutch of petitions filed by the CPI(M) and other petitioners, challenging the J&K Reorganisation Act, 2019 itself.

Maha: AARM Holds Convention in Nagpur

THE RSS and Sangh Parivar cannot provide justice to the adivasis , CPI(M) Polit Bureau member, Brinda Karat, said  addressing a large adivasi gathering in Butibori, in Nagpur. She criticised the changes brought in by the Modi government in the Forest Rights Act, and said it is an attack on adivasis. The Forest Rights Act was a relief provided for the historic injustices faced by adivasis, she said and emphasized that it secures their culture and collectiveness.Brinda Karat also criticised the Uniform Civil Code, which the Law Commission itself deemed unnecessary.

Protest against Manipur Incident

Enable GingerVarious women's organisations alongwith AIDWA held a protest at Manipur Bhawan in New Delhi on July 20,  condemning the horrific incident in Manipur where two women were paraded naked and sexually assaulted. The protest  demanded immediate action against the accused people.Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connectionor reload the browserDisable in this text fieldRephraseRephrase current sentenceEdit in Ginger×


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