June 09, 2024

Mass Protest in Jaipur Condemns Israeli Atrocities in Palestine

ON June 03, a big protest was organised at Khasa Kothi Crossroad in Jaipur by various Left, secular, and democratic parties, organisations, and individuals. The protest was in response to the brutal massacres being carried out by Israeli security forces in Palestine.

The demonstrators strongly condemned the ongoing inhumane repression and massacres perpetrated by Israeli security forces on Palestinian civilians, particularly women and children, in Gaza and Rafah over the past 7-8 months. They demanded an immediate end to these atrocities.

Speakers at the protest called on the Israeli government to cease its war against the Palestinian people and withdraw its troops from all Palestinian territories. Among the speakers were former member of the CPI(M) Central Committee, Vasudev Sharma, CPI senior leader, Tara Singh Sidhu, CPI(ML) leader Manjulata, Jamat-e-Islami Hind state president Mohammad Nazimuddin, and Nayeem Rabbani, and Rajasthan Samagra Seva Sangh state president Sawai Singh.

In their addresses, the speakers highlighted that Israeli security forces have killed over 36,000 Palestinians, including many women and children, in the past seven months. They also noted that a bombing on the Rafah relief camp on May 26, 2024, resulted in the deaths of 45 people, including 20 women and children.

The speakers cited the International Court of Justice's findings, which have deemed Israel and its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu guilty of war crimes and massacres. They emphasized the growing global public opinion in favour of the Palestinian people and the widespread protests against Israeli actions, particularly those carried out under the protection of the United States.

Despite support for Israel from the United States and NATO countries, democracy-loving people, especially the youth in these nations are mobilising against their governments in support of Palestine. The protest in Jaipur is part of a broader movement by Left, secular, and democratic forces worldwide against the ongoing injustice and oppression faced by Palestinians.

The speakers also strongly condemned the Indian government for supporting Israel and supplying weapons. They warned the Modi government to cease its support for Israel's war-criminal administration. They criticised the RSS-BJP Modi government for reversing India's long-standing foreign policy and secretly exporting weapons to Israel under US pressure, ignoring constitutional and human values.

Sumitra Chopra conducted the protest meeting, which featured revolutionary songs by Komal Srivastava, Priyakshi, and Nisha Sidhu. A two-minute silence was observed in memory of those killed in the Palestinian massacres. The meeting concluded with senior CPI(M) leader Ravindra Shukla delivering the vote of thanks. It was unanimously decided to boycott products from companies which aid Israeli war machinations..