
Maharashtra: Scrap NPS, restore old pension scheme

A JOINT convention by employees of central and state government, railways and teachers was held in Mumbai on December 24, 2019 demanding the scrapping of NPS(new pension scheme) and restoration of the OPS(old pension scheme).The convention was attended by members of the Western Railway Employees Union, National Railway Mazdoor Union, organisation of teachers and state government employees and other central government employees organisation’s affiliated to confederation of central government employees and workers, like postal, income tax etc.

Jharkhand: Report on state assembly elections

FOR 81 seats of the state assembly, elections were held from November 30 to December 20 and counting was done of December 23, 2019.In a meeting of all the political parties convened by the Election Commission of India, all the opposition parties including the Left parties demanded that the elections be held on one day. But the election commission decided to hold the election in five phases, took no steps to stop flow of illegal money, neither restricted pro-BJP officials who were openly campaigning.

Former SCA office bearers of HPU meet the Governor

THE former office-bearers of Students Central Association(SCA) of Himachal Pradesh University(HPU), Shimla marched to the Raj Bhawan, Shimla and submitted a memorandum to the President of India through the governor of state of Himachal Pradesh requesting his urgent intervention in the removal of vice chancellor of Jawaharlal Nehru University(JNU).The 39 signatories to the memorandum were leaders of student community who were elected office bearers of the elected union(SCA) in HPU.

TN: Chennai Gets Ready to host 16th Conference of CITU

THE 16th conference of CITU is scheduled to be held in Chennai from January 23-27, 2020. With only a few days left, final touches are being given to the preparations for the conference. Chennai is hosting the all India conference for the third time.The fourth all India conference of CITU was held in Madras in April 1979. At that time, with more than 5000 delegates, it was a Himalayan task for CITU and its fraternal organisations in Tamil Nadu to host the conference, which was successfully carried out.The second opportunity was in 2003, to host the 11th conference.

Bihar Students Hold Anti-CAA Protests

PROTEST demonstrations organised by students and youth organisations continue in different parts of Bihar against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), National Register of Citizens (NRC) and National Population Register (NPR).The protests took off with a student march from the National Institute of Technology (NIT) to Bhagat Singh statue, demanding the withdrawal of CAA, on December 14, 2019, in Patna.

TELANGANA: Forum for Protection of Constitutional Rights Formed to Fight CAA, NRC

IN continuation of protests by the Left parties and various mass organisations against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the National Register of Citizens (NRC), a convention was organised on January 12, at Sundarayya Vignana Kendram in Hyderabad. CPI(M) secretariat member D G Narasimha Rao gave the keynote address.The convention declared the formation of ‘Forum for Protection of Constitutional Rights’ that was formed with 200 organisations and groups. Shanta Sinha, champion of child rights, was elected its chairperson. A committee of 180 members was formed by the forum.


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